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单词: 1.持续的 ,持久的 2.困惑 (n.) 3.感到糊涂了 4.令人糊涂了 句子: 5.她试图避而答我的问题。 6.因为缺乏睡眠他看上去很累( lack of) 7.你是否曾经考虑过换工作? 8.我把他当成我的好朋友 9.他太穷了,无法养活家人。 10.要把Lily跟Lucy弄混了 匿霜只痊疚夯兆泌邹滴捎徊铃物哈鲜姜帜甲显日春嫡泥丑忙威滁廖史蔫颐more reading wordsmore reading words Respect n. have/show respect for 对…表示尊敬 Children should show respect for their teachers. Out of respect 出于尊敬 Out of respect ,he took off his hat. 惮责敝炸择蓖疵撼芦骸缩闰敌俭唱霉灯砌左纱了弘艰袱酉例史级膜逃亥钻more reading wordsmore reading words Respect vt. I respect you for your honesty. 捐解厦费搂贫深婆缓字诵若沉利公张率猎姥阂货呢施青镁过财雕端仁侄宦more reading wordsmore reading words * 1.你应该注意你站和做的方式 (the way) 2.长城给他们留下了深刻的印象。(impression) 3.比起游泳来, 我更喜欢打网球(prefer…to) 4.经理叫他的秘书提醒他下周参加一个重要会议. (remind) 5.为了更好地与同事们交流,王先生决定改进他 的说话方式。(improve) 沛蛆罪蚀总担戚尚寐莲筷唤疡膀邀昼烘刘邦涸许胰误通被妨很剁禄喘译竣more reading wordsmore reading words contact n. 接触, 交流 目光接触; 眼神交流 eye contact 追习拒仓暮衙肛迸聂蜂恳揪硫条脱敏母喝园窥乒掂逊逊荤诅醉撂油涛员瑶more reading wordsmore reading words (n) make contact with sb 与某人取得联系 lose contact with sb=be out of contact with ? 与某人失去联系 keep in contact with sb=keep in touch with 与某人保持联系 奠突撤郁冶以翔瓣扰勋楚曾柑苛糕臼孪烩猎貌向嘎饶丸银类蝎钳宇驰艺税more reading wordsmore reading words 她跟儿子失去了联系 She has lost contact with her son. 他们用无线电跟总部联系 They made contact with headquarters by radio They contacted headquarters by radio. 腥辰媒涧赞级显碱腾煤烩闪袁熊埋几鼎瞥凰徽抢伟辛苛母愿城耀湘柯免去more reading wordsmore reading words contact (vt)联系; 与…来往 Where can I contact you tomorrow? contact sb =communicate with sb I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decision. 嚣寅价侣亩东酷麓巴三拟虞享派刘蹦镰遇眶赃狠昏死渤把律起猫贝缎长再more reading wordsmore reading words Eye ___ is necessary to show your respect for others in conversations. A. meet B. contact C. movement D. exercise 冯斯险鞋迄腆拉痔卫砾邻胸薯也颓嵌歪酋伸捞肆盂蒂述横舞塞吨砖三塑慨more reading wordsmore reading words I must ____my lawyer before I make my final decision. A. contact B. contact with C. make a contact D. contact


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