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Window2008 64bit Enterprise Edition +10GRAC()安装调试步骤磁盘阵列:DS5020采用RAID 5,磁盘总存储1800G生产系统存储需求列表如下:卷组名称类型大小(单位:GB)所连主机对应磁盘需要修改的参数11.110GRac01,rac02磁盘121.110GRac01,rac02磁盘2两台主机为:IBM X3850M2.内存8G,安装windows2008-64bit Enterprise Edition。配两块300G本地盘,和两块2块Emulex HBA卡。第一部分: 操作系统安装使用ServerGuide安装windows2008。C:\盘大小为100G左右,其他的分给D:\.安装完毕Windows2008,会自动安装Emulex光纤卡驱动,和网卡驱动。安装Storage Manager10.60中所携带的多路径软件MPIO。安装完毕后,多路径软件会将多余的磁盘路径合并。激活Windows2008.输入光盘盒上的序列号,将Windows2008激活。重新启动后,看到操作系统正常运行,并更改主机名为RAC01,RAC02(大写),工作组为workgroup。数据库软件安装到C:盘下。第二部分: Oracle系统安装前准备工作1 User EquivalenceIn order to fulfill the documented prerequisites and in addition to what is outlined in HYPERLINK /CSP/main/article?cmd=showtype=NOTid=388730.1 Note 388730.1, it may be necessary to implement the following change in Windows 2008 User Account Control settings on each node:Change the elevation prompt behavior for administrators to Elevate without prompting? Reference:? HYPERLINK /en-us/library/cc709691.aspx /en-us/library/cc709691.aspxa.? Click Start, click Accessories, click Run, type secpol.msc in the Open box, and then click OK.b.? From the Local Security Settings console tree, click Local Policies, and then Security Options.c.? Scroll down to and double-click User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators.d.? From the drop-down menu, select:* Elevate without prompting (tasks requesting elevation will automatically run as elevated without prompting the administrator)e.? Click OK.f.? Close the Local Security Settings window.Confirm that the Administrators group is listed under Manage auditing and security logInvoke Local Security Settings at the prompt by typing:? secpol.mscClick on Local PoliciesClick on User Rights Assignment2. Network binding order - Public network should be listed firstTo ensure that your public interface is first in the binding order, follow these steps:a.? Click Start, click Server Manager, click View Network Connectionsb.? If the?Advanced menu is
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