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大外期末复习 (一)单词 1. profit n. advantage or good obtained from sth.; money gained in business 益处;利润 2. stain vt. make dirty marks on 玷污 3. discourage vt. cause to lose courage or confidence 使泄气,使灰心 4. reluctant a. unwilling 情愿的,勉强的 5. spiteful a. having or showing ill will 恶意的 6. flatter vt. praise too much ;praise insincerely(in order to please ) 过奖;谄媚,奉承 7. appreciate vt. understand and enjoy ;be thankful for 欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激 8. squabble vi. Quarrel, esp. nosily and unreasonably 争吵,口角 9. ignore vt. not to take notice of ,pay no attention to 理 ,忽视 10. youngster n. young person. esp. a boy 11. arbitrary a. based on one’s own opinion only, not on reason 任意的,武断的 12. subsequent a. following, later 随后的,接下去的 13. temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的 14. wander vi. Move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游 15. petty a. small; unimportant 小的;足道的 16. confirm vt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确认 17. conduct vt. direct the course of; manage 指挥,处理 18. obscure a. not clearly seen or understood 模糊的;晦涩的 19. brilliant a. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid 辉煌的;卓越的 20. outrage vt. arouse anger or resentment by injury or insult 引起……的气愤 21. fruitful a. producing good results; productive or profitable 硕果累累的;多产的,有利的 22. parameter n. limiting factor or characteristic; limit (限定的)因素,特性;界限 23. outdo vt. do more or better than (sb.) 比某人做得多或做的好; 超过;胜过 24. sibling n. brother or sister 兄弟姊妹 25. messy a. in a taste of disorder; dirty 凌乱的;脏的 26. contract vt. catch or develop(an illness) 感染疾病 27. reminder n. thing which reminds of sb. of a fact or person 使人回想起某事或某人的某事 28. clamor vi. Make a loud demand or protest 大声地要求或抗议 29. highway n. main public road 公路;交通要道 30. intend vt. have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind; mean 打算;意欲 31. sweaty a. covered with sweat, sweating 32. convince vt. make (sb.) feel certain; cause (sb.) to realize 33. compel vt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.) 34. pace n. rate or speed of development, or in walki


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