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Tutorial 4 Identifying And Reaching Customers Contents of Tutorial 4 Identifying And Reaching Customers CASE SESSION 4.1 IDENTIFYING AND REACHING CUSTOMERS The Nature of Communication on the Web Using the Web’s Interactive Nature Effectively NEW MARKETING APPROACHES FOR THE WEB Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship Management Permission Marketing SESSION 4.2 CREATING AND MAINTAINING BRANDS ON THE WEB Elements of Branding Emotional Branding vs. Rational Branding Other Web Branding Strategies 本章内容 识别并接近客户 CASE SESSION 4.1 识别并接近客户 Web交流的特性 充分利用 Web交流特性 新的 WEB营销方式 技术允许的客户关系管理 许可性营销 SESSION 4.2 在WEB上树立和保持品牌形象 品牌要素 情感品牌策略和理性品牌策略 其他Web 品牌策略 CASE SESSION 4.1——Identifying and Reaching Customers The Nature of Communication on the Web SESSION 4.1——Identifying and Reaching Customers Using the Web’s Interactive Nature Effectively SESSION 4.1——New Marketing Approaches for the Web Trust and Media Choice SESSION 4.1——New Marketing Approaches for the Web Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship Management SESSION 4.1——New Marketing Approaches for the Web Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship Management SESSION 4.1——New Marketing Approaches for the Web Permission Marketing SESSION 4.2 ——Creating and Maintaining Brands on the Web Elements of Branding SESSION 4.2 ——Creating and Maintaining Brands on the Web Emotional Branding vs. Rational Branding SESSION 4.2 ——Creating and Maintaining Brands on the Web Other Web Branding Strategies QUICK CHECK 4 QUICK CHECK 4 Tutorial 4 English for Electronic Commerce CDNOW的Wish List页 The main point of the Cluetrain Manifesto is that large firms must acknowledge and use the Web’s capability for meaningful two-way communication between firms and their customers. Cluetrain Manifesto的主要观点是,大公司应该确认并充分利用Web在与客户双向交流中的能力。 Trust in three information dissemination models Advertising Information provided in response to specific customer inquiries Deliver a uniform message to all customers Targeting I


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