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抗菌药物临床应用的基本原则 世界卫生日专题讲座 2011.4.7 阳谷县人民医院 孙普增 World Health Day – 7 April 2011 Antimicrobial resistance: no action today, no cure tomorrow Antimicrobial resistance is not a new problem but one that is becoming more dangerous; urgent and consolidated efforts are needed to avoid regressing to the pre-antibiotic era. Drug resistance is becoming more severe and many infections are no longer easily cured, leading to prolonged and expensive treatment and greater risk of death. Under the theme Combat Drug Resistance, WHO calls for urgent and concerted action to slow down the spread of drug resistance, limit its impact today and preserve medical advances for future generations. The world is on the brink of losing these miracle cures. For World Health Day 2011, WHO is introducing a six-point policy package to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Measures to combat drug resistance WHO is publishing a policy package that sets out the measures governments and their national partners need to combat drug resistance. The policy steps recommended by WHO include: develop and implement a comprehensive, financed national plan 制定并实施广泛的全民筹资计划 strengthen surveillance and laboratory capacity 加强监督和实验能力 ensure uninterrupted access to essential medicines of assured quality 确保连续获取优质的重要药物 regulate and promote rational use of medicines 规范和促进药物的合理使用 enhance infection prevention and control 加强感染预防和控制 foster innovation and research and development for new tools. 鼓励创新、研究、开发新产品。 2011年世界卫生日:抵御耐药性 ?4月7日是世界卫生日,,今年世界卫生日的主题是“抵御耐药性:今天不采取行动,明天就无药可用”。据相关资料显示,我国居民滥用抗生素的情况比较严重。滥用抗生素可使病菌耐药性增强而导致疾病无药可治。在医院里、在社区中,耐药性越来越强的各种“超级细菌”频繁出现,被喻为“随时可能发生爆炸的定时炸弹”。近两年来全球超级细菌呈现放大性增长,传播迅速,的确到了“今天不采取行动,明天就无药可用”的程度。 目前,耐药性正变得愈发严重,很多传染病难以治愈,这导致治疗时间延长、费用昂贵,同时还使死亡风险上升。今年世界卫生日的主题为“抵御耐药性”。世卫组织呼吁采取紧急行动,减缓耐药性的蔓延、限制其现有影响并为后世子孙保存医疗进展。 在2011年的世界卫生日,世界卫生组织将推出六点政策一揽子计划,制止抗菌素耐药性的传播。 后抗生素时代如果来临,人类感染上病菌之后,医生也束手无策,因为病菌已经强大到无药可医,等待人类的只有死亡。 各种病原微生物所致感染性疾病遍布临床各科,其中细菌性感染最常见,抗菌药物是临床应用最广泛的药物之一 目


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