李红云 简化普通话 全球推广它3400(定稿)带英文4300.doc

李红云 简化普通话 全球推广它3400(定稿)带英文4300.doc

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简化普通话 全球推广它 作者:李红云( 电话 邮箱:454281283@ 地址:陕西省宝鸡市金台区中山西路75号(西街小学) 邮编:721001 【摘要】 汉语方言多,不便于交流,推广普通话便于国内交流。简化普通话不仅便于国内交流,更便于国际交流和扩大汉语影响力,以提高国家软实力。在不引起歧义的情况下,可适当简化和减少某些轻声、儿化、变调、变音,合并某些多音字,并尝试引入国际音标,便于和国际接轨。 【关键词】 普通话 推广 简化 全球化 【正文】 汉语普通话作为现代汉民族共同语,愈来愈多地受到各行各业的重视,普通话的推广为全国政治、经济、文化的交流提供了很大的方便。中国是一个地域广阔、民族众多的国家,仅汉民族语言就有七大方言区,而每一方言区又可分为若干次方言区,如内部差异较小北方方言分为大次方言2008.2 [2]李长青.《陕西省普通话水平测试指要》[M].西安:陕西师范大学出版社,1998.2 Title : Simplification Chinese Common Speech World Expansion Abstract : There are many dialects in Chinese . It is very inconvenient for communicating in different regions , but the expansion of Chinese Common Speech is very useful instead . The simplification of Chinese Common Speech is not only very good for domestic communication but also has great influence on language communication between China and other countries in the world . More and more people become to know and speak Chinese . The soft strength of China will be improved rapidly . We can simplify and decrease to use some light tones in Chinese Common Speech , adjust some tones in Chinese phonetics , merge some words which has different tones in different situations . Thus , it doesn’t cause an ambiguity in understanding . The International Phonetics Symbols can be introduced to phonetics system of Chinese Common Speech .Therefore , we can keep tense line with other countries in the world in different areas . Key Words : Common speech Expansion Simplification Globalization (作者简介:李红云,女,1967年生于陕西省宝鸡市,陕西省宝鸡市金台区西街小学一级教师,大学本科,学士学位,小学教育研究方向。 1


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