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Ditching the union would be a mistake for Scotland and a tragedy for the country it leaves behind 终止联合,对于苏格兰来说,会是一个错误;对于她出走之后的国家来说,会是一个悲剧。 The damage a split would do 分家的危害 The rump of Britain would be diminished in every international forum: why should anyone heed a country whose own people shun it? Since Britain broadly stands for free trade and the maintenance of international order, this would be bad for the world. Its status as a nuclear power would be doubtful: the countrys nuclear submarines are based in a Scottish loch and could not be moved quickly. Britain would also be more likely to leave the European Union, since Scots are better disposed to Europe than are the English (and are less likely to vote for the Conservatives, who are promising a Euro-referendum if they win next years general election). The prospect of a British exit from the EU would scare investors much more than a possible Scottish exit from Britain. 苏格兰离开后的英国无足轻重,会在所有的国际论坛中遭人轻视。为什么要对一个连自己的民众都避而远之的国家高看一眼呢?由于英国是公认的自由贸易和维护国际秩序的代表,因而,对于这个世界来说,这会是一个糟糕的结果。英国的核大国地位会存在不确定性。因为她的核潜艇基地就位于苏格兰的一处海湾中,且不能被迅速转移。英国离开欧盟的可能性也会增加。这是因为苏格兰人对欧州有更多的好感,这是英格兰人所不及的。同时,苏格兰人不大有可能把选票投给已经承诺在明年大选获胜后将就英国是否离开欧盟举行一次公投的保守党。英国离开欧盟的前景会吓坏投资者,其程度远远大于苏格兰可能离开英国。 The people of Scotland alone will decide the future of Britain, and they are not obliged to worry about what becomes of the state they would leave. But—perhaps not surprisingly, given the endurance and success of the union, imperilled though it is—Scots own interests, and the rest of Britains, coincide. 苏格兰民众将独自决定英国的未来,他们没有义务为他们身后之国的前途担忧。但是,考虑到大家已经一起过成功地过了这么长的时间,尽管这种联合危在旦夕,苏格兰人的利益仍然是同英国其他人的利益是息息相连的。这一点也许并不令人吃惊。 At the heart of the nationalist campaign is the claim that Scotland would be a more prosperous and more equal country if it went solo. It is rich in oil and inherently decent, say the nationalists, but impoverished by a government in Westminster that has also imposed callous policies. They blame successive British governments for almost every ill that has befallen S


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