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Cast your mind back to the last job interview you did. Think of who you presented to the interviewers on that day – was it you ‘warts and all’, or was it a highly polished version of you (all warts gone!), with the perfect education, qualifications, experience, and personality for the position on offer? People are like icebergs when they attend interviews – they float into the room looking powerful, whiter than white – a wonderful force of nature. So we hire them. And the moment we welcome them aboard we get a lot more than we had expected! CLICK Now, sometimes what we get is much more valuable than what we thought were getting – and we have that wonderful experience of hiring someone who greatly exceeds the expectations that we have of them. But sometimes that seven-eights that floats below the surface unseen is what makes them a critical danger to our businesses – so much so that if we had seen that large volume of hidden attributes we might have avoided them altogether! Interviews simply cannot see below the surface of the individual, cannot give you the information you need to have to make a good decision when you put someone into one of your positions CLICK 人员素质测评,就是关于——发生在职场中“看人”的系统性有组织的知识、方法。 一、人才、素质及素质测评概念 1、什么是人才? 人才——“才”即“才能”。通俗地说就是指有本事的人。 人材——“材”即“木材”。即可造之材的意思。“人材”经过精心雕琢而成为人才。 人才一词出于古老的《易经》的“三才之道”,“《易》之为书也,广大悉备。有天道焉,有人道焉,有地道焉。兼三才而两之,故六。六者非它也,三才之道也。” 人才是指那些在社会实践活动中具有专门的知识和能力,能够以自己的创造性劳动认识世界和改造世界,对社会进步能做出一定贡献或已经做出贡献的人。 奴隶宰相伊尹: 烧菜厨工——宰相 根据“人才”的内涵,可概况出人才的本质特征: (1)创造性 (2)时代性 (3)可开发性 (4)适应性 2、什么是素质? 直闯红灯,没素质 竞技体育比赛中,运动员心理素质不良工作中,业务素质优秀 针对高分低能,提倡素质教育 加强思想教育,提高政治素质 字典上:素即本色、白色;质指性质、本质;素质指事物本来的性质和特点。 素质一词来源于英语competency,意思是能力、技能。素质又被称为“能力”、“资质”、“才干”等,常常与英语中“competence”、“skill”、“ability”、“talent”等同时使用。 素质是指一个人所具有的基本条件和基本特征,主要包括感知、技能、能力、气质、性格、兴趣、动机等。 人员素质 身体素质 心理素质 精力 能力素质:智力、技能、才能 人格素质 二分法素质结构图 体力 体质 文化素质:知识、经验、自学能力 品德素质:政治/思想/道德 心理健康素质:观念、自我意识 一部分遗传,一部分后天获得 狭义的心理素质 广义 3、什么是人才测评? 人才测评assessment:是指运用先进的科学方法,对社会各类人员的知识水平、能力及


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