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暑假中的一天英文作文 暑假英文作文:暑假的第一天 暑假的第一天 The First Day of Summer Vacation Summer is here, and the sun is closest。 There is no school, and there will be lots of time today; time for a picnic; and time to play, time for a boat race up stream and down, time to go shopping and see the town; time for a story and singing a song when dinner is over。 Today is long——the longest day in all the year。 篇二:暑假的一天作文 暑假的一天作文 暑假的一天作文(一) 今天,我和爸爸骑自行车去图书馆里看电影。 我们到了图书馆里看电影,是关于船的电影,我看了一会,真没意思,于是我们又下楼看书,看完了书,我们没有借书,因为我们上次已经借完书了,没看完,所以没还,因为上次没还书今天就借不了书。 我们又去取照片,在那里我看见一台正在工作的机器---它打完照片下面一个黑色的东西就把照片送到照片袋子里,真是让我大开眼界。 今天我们玩得很高兴! 暑假的一天作文(二) 星期天,外公从老家来看我。老爸带着外公和我去吴山茶楼喝茶。那是我第一次去喝茶,原来喝茶不光是喝茶,还有吃的东西。有水果、瓜子、还有各种美食和各种各样的我连名字都叫不出的食物。去喝茶的人也很多,大人们有的在打扑克,有的在打麻将,还有的在说说话,可热闹了。 我在茶楼里认识一些小朋友,我和他们在一起玩捉迷藏和击鼓传花的游戏。我和那些小朋友玩得可开心了。这是我在暑假中最快乐的一天! 篇三:写出假期里某一天你是怎么度过的(英语作文) 写出寒假里某一天你是怎么度过的?50字以上。 Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents. It was a sunny day, not too cold or not too hot. There were many people in the Zoo. First, we went to visit the Lion Park. There were a lot of lions there. Some of them were sleeping, some of them were playing. Little lions baited each other as adult lions, that`s really cute. Then we went to the Monkey Hill. The monkeys looked at the tourists with two big, blond eyes, they seem to be an thinking old man. Suddenly, one of the monkeys stood on the railing and then everyone laughed. I blinked in surprise at monkeys` agility. The Bird World was next to the Monkey Hill and we went to have a look at it. Many kinds of birds were there, such as naughty parrots, grace peacocks and noble swans. At last, we went to the Tea Store and had a rest. After we drank some tea, we walked out of the shop. It was dark outside, so we went back home. What a wonderful day! 陈卓彤 Tina 篇四:暑假里的一天作文200字 今天,我早早的起来。心情很高兴,因为我的暑假作业全部做完了,我今天本想玩电脑看电视的。没想到妈妈让我读书我又不想读,所以我和妈妈闹了起来。 我心里很感到不平,凭什么我天天做作业不累吗?我越想越烦。我在家里造反,我被妈妈关到房间里狠狠地说了一顿。虽然我干道了自己的不对但是我还是一意孤行到了晚上我才对妈妈道歉。 因为我下午仔细的深刻的想了妈妈对我说的话我感到忏愧。妈妈说你是学生不应该成天想


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