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题 目: 浅谈中学英语中听说读写的教学策略 英文题目:Introduction to middle school teaching strategies in English listening, speaking, reading and writing 东华理工大学行知分院 二 〇 一 四年 五 月 摘 要 提高听、说、读、写四项基本技能,对于英语学习尤其重要。英语作为一门语言,学习英语就意味着将一个整体的来学习。当前,我国新一轮课改进行的如火如荼, 随着我国课改的不断发展,一系列新的教学法也相继涌现,但是,在我们中学英语的教学中仍然存在很多的问题,尤其是在英语的听力教学、阅读教学、口语与教学以及写作教学方面。在听力方面主要有学生面临的问题,例如,心里因素、听力技巧等以及教师教学中也存在一些问题。在口语方面,学生的英语书面语水平与英语口语水平发生了脱节英语听说能力远低于英语读写能力。阅读在英语教学中占有相当重要地位英语教学就是课文教学。 Abstract Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic skills which are very important to English learning. As a foreign language, learning English means studying as a whole. Nowadays, new curriculum reform is under way, with the curriculum reform continued development. A series of new teaching methodology emerge one after another. But, the teaching methodology in our middle school also has many problems, especially in listening teaching, speaking teaching, reading teaching and writing teaching. In listening aspect, many students are faced with the problem, for example, psychological factors, such as listening skills and there are some problems in the teachers teaching. In spoken language, students of English written and spoken English happened between English listening ability is far lower than the English reading and writing ability. Reading occupies an important position in English teaching, but in our country reading teaching is teaching English text. It also has some problems, for example, in terms of writing teaching, both teachers and students do not value the students vocabulary problems. We must improve these teaching levels if we want to improve our English. Key Words English; Listening; speaking; Reading; Writing; Teaching status and Improvement measures 目录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 目录 Ⅲ 引 言 1 一、中学英语听说读写的重要性 2 二、中学生英语听力教学现状与对策 3 (一)我国中学英语听力教学现状 3 (二)提高中学英语听力教学水平的策略 4 三、中学英语口语教学现状分析与对策 5 (一)我国中学英语口语教学的现状



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