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Kindergarten Sighartstein / Kadawittfeldarchitektur幼 ... 回复: 36 |重定向 | 复制链接 | 打印 | 邀请回答 关注 输入用户名 推荐人选 邀请回答hhxs1987 103 个回答, 2人关注他 邀请回答guoxingjzdj 107 个回答, 4人关注他 邀请回答陈年薇蜜 192 个回答, 38人关注他 邀请回答好青年 278 个回答, 15人关注他 2012-10-5 19:26 上传 下载附件 (163.57 KB) Kindergarten Sighartstein / Kadawittfeldarchitektur幼儿园 Architects: Kadawittfeldarchitektur Location: Sighartstein, Land Salzburg, Austria Builder: township neumarkt am wallersee realization: 2008-2009, Public competition 2003, 1st prize Building Volume: 830 sqm Construction sum: 1.2 Million Spatial dimension of the ornamental fa?ade 装饰立面的空间划分 2012-10-5 19:26 上传 下载附件 (246.12 KB) Situated on the periphery of the site of green meadows and fields, the first impression of the construction site provided the idea for the sculptural facade by way of an elevated grass turf. The oversized “grass blades” communicate the building’s unique identity and provides an orientation marker for the kindergarten. The stylized grass blades are not only ornamental, but also act as a continuation of the landscape theme – namely, the staccato row of spruces visible at the meadow’s edge or the branches of the neighboring leafy trees. The resulting scenic correspondence takes place not only in the building volume itself but also in the structure noticeable from within. 建筑坐落在绿草地场地的边缘,给人的第一印象就是它有着很强雕塑性的立面,立面就像是绿草地被抬起来一样。超尺寸的“绿叶”立面给了建筑特殊的识别性并为幼儿园提供了一个朝向变化器。绿叶不仅起着装饰作用,它还延续了景观的主题,即把草地周围云杉的排列可视化或者把附近茂盛的树木枝干可视化。从而建筑体量本身和建筑内部结构两个方面都与优美的环境取得了一致性。 The fat roofed two-story cubic building optimally distributes the functions of a kindergarten. On the ground foor, one finds the space for the kindergarten groups – with direct access to the garden. The crèche is accommodated in the protected upper story. In the crèche, an expandable third space has been made possible through a planned reallocation of the space. 该两层平屋顶盒子建筑把幼儿园的功能最优化的分散布置。在首层,幼儿组员用房都有直接通向花园(室外活动场地)入口。Crèche被放在有保护措施的二楼。在Crèche中,一个扩展的第三空间通过空间的再排布而实现。 The core of the building is a m



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