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Whether it’s better for the fresh graduates go to First-tier Cities to work or not? About First-tier Cities 一线城市 - 中国城市体系   中国的一线二线三线城市划分依据 :政治地位、经济实力、城市规模、区域辐射力。 一线城市   一线强?北京、上海?(一个政治文化中心,一个经济中心,无争议)   一线?广州、深圳?(南粤双雄,实力旗鼓相当,公认一线)   1.5线城市(过渡型):天津、重庆、南京、沈阳、武汉、成都、杭州、青岛、大连、苏州 二线城市   二线强(1.5线,过渡性逼近一线): 二线中?:?济南、哈尔滨、长春(副省级城市)    厦门(计划单列市、规模小所以只能是二线中)    郑州、长沙、福州(经济发展较好的三个非副省级省会城市)    乌鲁木齐、昆明(国家重点发展的边疆国际化城市)    兰州(西北重工业城市、兰州军区)    无锡(最发达的非省会地级市)    二线弱:?南昌、贵阳、南宁、合肥、太原、石家庄、呼和浩特(七个实力相当的省会城市)    准二线?:?佛山、东莞(两个制造业经济强市)?唐山(环渤海重工业大城市)?烟台(环渤海重要港口、经济强市)? 泉州(闽南经济中心城市)?包头(重工业大城市) View There are more disadvantages if the fresh graduates go to First-tier Cities to work or not Support Be overwhelmed by high pressure of living. Indeferent personal relationship. Low life quality and low happiness. Cruelcompetition . Living Pressure The first-tier cities have already developed?pretty?enough,that?is? to?say,?it?is?too?difficult?to?grasp? the?chance?and?use?it?adequately.?Fast?steps,high?expense,low?levels?of?happiness?and?in?addition?of?the?rough?challenge?and?the?difficulty?of settlement,all?these?pressures?make?the?fresh?graduates?out?of?breath. 下图来自中国高等教育学生信息网 京津地区本科生就业深度分析 2012年07月27日 10:28 ?? Indifferent interpersonal(人际冷漠) As the saying goesDepend on parents at home,rely on friends outside.In the strange and fast-paced first tier cities,nobody will help and care you sincerely,which may make the fresh graduate feel hopeless whats more,there are also serious anti-foreignism of the citizens and the polarization of the rich and poor,all of which are bad for the individual Low Happiness with High Prices Although the first-tier cities income is relatively high, the prices especially house price is much higher than other cities, which leads to less spare money and low life quality, such as“ ant tribe”. The first-tier cities also have other problems: traffic congestion, poor air quality, and happiness index ranking mostly reciprocal(倒数). They are not


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