
生态旅游 Chapter 2.ppt

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Environmental Limitations:Ski areas have to be particularly sensitive to: minimizing impact during construction preserving wildlife patterns using storage ponds or reservoirs to minimize the impact of snowmaking on streams and rivers providing employees with public transportation and guests with shuttle service to help improve air quality developing recycling and waste management programs conserving energy GenderDuring the 2004-2005 ski season, 59% of the ski participants were male and 41% were female. Males and females show markedly different characteristics in their skiing and riding profiles. Who make up the majority of participants possessing the following characteristics? first tried skiing/snowboarding with a school group or club advanced/ expert ability levelaged 65 and over ski or ride 30 or more times per seasonrenters of equipment singles with no children season pass holders F M M F M M M AgeThe median age of snowsports participants has risen to 36. The proportion of visitors aged 45 and over has seen steady gains, but the proportion of young adults between 18 and 24 years old has been fairly static. Similarly, the proportions of children between 10 and 17 have not changed significantly.The decline in numbers of snowsports participants aged 25 to 44 consistent with the movement of the similar “Generation X” group (“baby bust” generation). Clearly, it’s just as important for the industry to attract younger, new enthusiasts as it is to retain the older, more experienced participants. Family StatusOn a national basis, 48 percent of skiers and snowboarders are a part of a family that has children at home. Parents with kids make up 32 percent , and kids aged 17 and under compose the other 16 percent. The second-largest segment is composed of singles with no childern, and the rest of the group is roughly equally split between empty-nesters and couples with no children. Over time, the proportion of singles has decreased, while the proportion of households wit


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