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《 中南大学学报:自然科学版 》 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology 起止页码:681-686 国际标准刊号:ISSN 1672-7207 国内统一刊号:CN 43-1426/N 平面光波导与阵列光纤耦合分析 下载全文 郑煜 段吉安 中南大学现代复杂装备设计与极端制造教育部重点实验室,湖南长沙410083 摘 要: 根据光波导理论,论述平面光波导与阵列光纤对准耦合原理。基于光束传播法,分析平面光波导与阵列光纤对准耦合过程中对准偏差(横向位错、纵向间距和轴向角度)与耦合损耗之间的关系,对对准偏差的光学容差也进行分析。研究结果表明:平面光波导与阵列光纤耦合损耗对横向位错相当敏感,轴向角度偏差对耦合损耗的影响也较大,轴向间距的影响则要小得多;若以0.15dB的附加损耗考察,平面光波导与阵列光纤横向位错、纵向间距、轴向角度的光学容差分别为lμm,16μm和0.65°;所得仿真结果与理论计算结果基本吻合,说明应用光束传播法分析平面光波导与阵列光纤对准耦合是有效的。[著者文摘] 关键词: 平面光波导 阵列光纤 耦合 光束传播法 分类号: TN253[工业技术 无线电电子学、电信技术 光电子技术、激光技术 波导光学与集成光学 光纤元件] 文献标识码: 文章编号: 相关文献: 主题相关 参考文献 引用本文 Coupling analysis between planar optical waveguide and fiber array ZHENG Yu, DUAN Ji-an (Key Laboratory of Design for Modem Complex Equipment and Extreme Manufacturing, Ministry of Education, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: The theory of aligning and coupling of planar optical waveguide and array fibers was discussed based on optical waveguide principles. The relations between alignment deviation and coupling loss were analyzed based on beam propagation method. The optical tolerance of alignment deviation was studied based on the simulation results. It is found that the coupling loss is sensitive to the transverse dislocation, the second is the angle deviation, and the third is the axial gap. Moreover, when the coupling loss is 0.15 dB, the optical tolerance of the transverse dislocation is 1 μm, the optical tolerance of the angle deviation is 0.65°, and the optical tolerance of the axial gap is 16 μm. The simulation results are in good agreement with the theory results, the analysis for aligning and coupling of planar optical waveguide and array fibers is effective by beam propagation method..[著者文摘] Key words: planar optical lightwave; fiber array; coupling; beam propagation method 收稿日期: 2008-06-19 修订日期: 2008-09-18 基金资助: 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目;国家“863”高技术研究发展计划项目(2007AA042344) 作者简介: 通信作者:段吉安(1969-),男,湖南冷水江人,教授,从事集成光子器件封装技术研究;电话:0731-8836858


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