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sh3046-92,石油化工立式圆通形钢制焊接储罐设计规范 篇一:储罐焊接规范 WELDING STORAGE TANKS焊接储罐 1.0 This specification defines the welding, thermal treatment, examination, and testing requirements for shop and field fabrication of storage tanks. It supplements the codes listed in Section 2.0 of this specification. 本规格书确定了储罐工厂和现场制作的焊接、热处理、检验和测试的技术要求。它是对列在本规格书2.0节的补充。 1.1 Vendor-Contractor: The word Vendor-Contractor will be used for the 卖方-承包商: Owner:业主: Licensor:签证方: main supplier responsible for Welding. “卖方-承包商”用来指负责焊接的主要供货方。 The word Owner will be used for BASF-YPC. “业主”一词用来指BASF-YPC。 The Licensors are BASF or BASELL etc. 专利商指BASF 或 BASELL等。 Purchaser:采购方: Party responsible for issuing the Purchase Order. This may be the main Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor acting as an agent for the Owner. 负责发出采购定单的一方。它可以是作为业主代表的 工程设计、采购和施工(EPC)承包商。 2.0 The following Codes, Standards and Specifications form a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the references thereto. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition and addenda in force at time of purchase shall apply. 下列规范、标准和规格书为本技术规格书的一部分。当没有指明规范或标准的出版日期时,在采购期间应采用必威体育精装版版本以及有效的附录。 APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS, AND REFERENCES 适用的规范、标准和参考文件。 Definitions:定义 SCOPE范围 2.1 API (American Petroleum Institute) API(美国石油协会) Standard 620 标准 620 Standard 650 标准 650 Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks 大型、焊接、低压储罐的设计和施工的推荐规则。 Welded Steel Tanks for oil storage. 焊接钢制原油储罐 2.2 ASME(美国机械工程师协会)锅炉和压力容器标准 Section II, Part C 第II章,C篇 Section V 第V章 Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals 焊条、电焊条和填充金属 Nondestructive Examination 无损检测 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 压力容器施工规则 Welding and Brazing Qualifications 焊接与钎焊评定 ASME (American Society Of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code) Section VIII, Div. I第VIII章,第I分册 Section IX 第IX章 2.3 ASNT (American Society Of Nondestructive Testing)


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