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八年级上册复习Unit 7- Unit 12 张秀玲 The first period Reviewing task: Unit7 Importance and difficulties: 1. 学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程 How do you make a banana milk shake/fruit salad/ popcorn? 2.复习可数名词、不可数名词①How many bananas do you need? ②How much yogurt do we need? Step 1词汇巩固 1.倒牛奶___________ 2.把…倒进…里____________ 3.打开____________ 4. 关上____________ 5. 调低___________ 6. 调高____________ 7. 切碎___________ 8. 剥香蕉___________ 9. 把…放入________10. 在搅拌机里_________11. 多少(可数n)________12. 多少(不n)________ 13.一杯优酸乳___________ 14.两勺蜂蜜___________ 15. 水果沙拉_________16. 在碗里___________ 17. 搅拌___________18. 爆米花_____________ 19. 把…加入到_______20. 番茄酱___________ 21. 一片面包_________ 22. 在上部_________ 23. …的食谱, …的配方__________24.混合_______ Step 2知识点回顾: 1. a teaspoon of一茶匙 a cup of一杯a slice of 一薄片 a piece of一张/片/块 a glass of一玻璃杯 2. put another slice of bread on the top把另外一片面包放在上面 3. Here’s a recipe for…这就是…的烹调方法/食谱 4. first, next, then, finally first = at the beginning of finally=at last 根据句子意思和汉语提示完成句子 ①.A: ____ ____ ____ ____ (你怎样做) a banana milk shake? B: ____ (首先)peel three bananas, then ____ ____ (切)the bananas. ②.A: Let’s ____ ____ ____(做水果沙拉). B: OK, ____ ____ (好主意). ③.A: ____ ____ (多少) apples do we _____ (需要). B: Let me think. We need two. ④.A: I want to buy _______ ________ (一些黄油). B: ____ ____ (多少)butter do you need? A: One ______ (茶匙)。 ⑤. cut up the bananas= cut the bananas up =cut them up mix up the yogurt=mix the yogurt up=mix it up 动副词组名词位置可前可后,而代词them/it只能够放在中间。I need 2 cups of yogurt.(提问) ---How much yogurt do you need? 此题针对不可数名词yogurt提问,所以用how much I need 2 cups of yogurt. (提问) --How many cups of yogurt do you need? 此题针对可数名词cup提问,所以用how many There is a piece of bread on the plate. ____ _____ pieces of bread are there on the plate? 注意区分可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词: blenders, watermelons, turkeys火鸡, tomatoes, poppers, sandwiches, recipes, ducks, pancakes, onions, 不可数名词: shake, milk, yogurt, butter, honey, salad, turkey火鸡肉,popcorn, sauce, relish, lettuce, bread, duck鸭肉 step 3巩固练习 1. Come on, children.


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