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内蒙古科技大学 信息系统工程设计与开发实习报告 题 目:内科大图书馆管理信息系统的设计与开发 姓 名:阳尚宏 学 号:1165138120 专 业:信息管理与信息系统 班 级:信管2011 指导教师:韩艳 摘 要 图书馆管理信息系统是对学校图书进行全面信息管理的系统。该管理系统可以有效地管理学校图书资源,记录学校与读者之间的使用书籍情况。此外,根据读者的要求,实现书籍基本信息的输入,查询等几个方面的功能。本系统可以作为独立的系统使用,它包括借阅信息管理、书籍信息管理、读者信息管理、系统管理四个主要的功能模块。该管理系统力求给读者方便快捷的途径去及时了解书籍信息。针对各个模块不同的数据表实现添加记录、修改记录、删除记录、以及查询显示记录等功能,所有的操作方便而快捷,并全面实现了图书馆管理的各项功能 这篇论文主要讲述关于图书馆管理信息系统的信息,特别是讨论了关于设计该系统时的思想、方法和过程,以及在细节上分析函数和方法的实现思想。本系统采用的是Visual Basic6.0平台,数据库采用的是SQL Server。经过多次的测试和运行,本系统能实现其在设计时的所有功能。 关键词:查询;管理;Visual Basic6.0 Abstract Library management information system is a comprehensive information management system of school books. The management system to efficiently manage school library resources, record between schools and readers of books. In addition, as requested by the reader, realization of books enter the basic information, queries, and several functions. The system can be used as a stand-alone system, information management, including borrowing books readers management, information management, information system management four main function modules. The management system aims to give readers a convenient way to stay informed about the book information. Different data tables for each module adding records, modifying records, deleting records, as well as a query to display features such as recording, all easy and quick, and the features of the full realization of the library management. This paper focuses on information on library management information system, in particular on the design of the system of thought, methods and processes and analyses in detail the functions and methods of implementation. Using Visual Basic6.0 platform of the system, the database is used by SQL Server. After much testing and run the system to achieve its all features at design time. Key words: Inquire;Management;Visual Basic 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract……………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ 1 绪论 1 1


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