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Chapter 1 Number and operations review 1.Properties of integers You will need to know the following information for some questions in the mathematics section: Positive and Negative There are three rules regarding the multiplication of positive and negative numbers. 2.Odd numbers ...-5,-3,-1,1,3,5,... 4.Consecutive integers Integers that follow in sequence, where the difference between two consecutive integers is 1, are consecutive integers. Here are three eaxmples of some consecutive integers: 5.Addition of integers even +even=even odd + odd=even odd + even=odd 6.Multiplication of integers 7.Arithmetic word problems Example 1 Ms. Griffen is making bags of Halloween treats. If she puts 3 treats in each bag, she will make 30 bags of treats and have no treats left over. If instead she puts 5 treats in each bags, how many bags of treats can she make? 7.Arithmetic word problems Example 2 Jorge bought 5 pencils from the store. He gave the cashier a five-dollar bill and got back $0.75 in change. Jorge saw that he had gotten too much change, and he gave $0.25 back to the cashier. What was the price, in dollars, of each pencil? 8.Number lines A number line is used to graphically represent the relationships between numbers: integers, fractions or decimals. Number line questions generally require you to figure out the relationship among numbers places on the line.Number line questions may ask: Where a number should be placed in relation to other numbers; The difference or product of two numbers; The lengths and the ratios of the lengths of line segments represented on the number line. Example On the number line above, the ratio of AC to AG is equal to the ratio of CD to which of the followings? A. AD B. BD C. CG D. DF E. EG 9.Squares and square roots: 1)Squares of integers Remember that if a positive fraction with a value less than 1 is squared, the result is always smaller than the original fraction: 10. Fractions and rat


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