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Translation of Law Texts I Introduction II Lexical Characteristics and Translation III Syntax Characteristics and Translation IV Text I Introduction UK,US: common law system CN: civil law system II Lexical Characteristics and Translation 英: A. 专业术语 B. 古语副词 C. 词项重复 汉: A. 专业术语 B. 庄重简练(文言词) A专业术语 a. 基本对应 the accused, the defendant, 刑事被告,民事被告 trial, hearing, adjourn 审判,听证,休庭 burden of proof 举证责任 Crime of false imprisonment, Crime of defamation 非法拘禁罪, 诽谤罪 赌博罪, 侵犯商业秘密罪 Crime of gambling, Crime of invasion of trade secret b. 部分对应 法、法令 Law, act, decree 裁定(裁决)、办法、决定 award, verdict, decision, resolution, procedure 规定(v.) stipulate, provide for, prescribe, specify, state 条例、规定(n.) ordinance, rules, regulations, statutes 条款 terms and conditions, stipulations, provisions, article, clause, item 对本协议在解释上若有分歧,应以英文本为准。 In case of divergence of interpretations, the English text shall prevail. c. 零对应 差额选举 competitive election, multi-candidate election 农村综合试点改革 trials of comprehensive rural reform Alibi 不在场的证据 sheriff 行政司法官,县治安官,警长 法律专业术语翻译原则---英汉语用对等 B 古语副词 The appendix to this contract shall be deemed a part hereof and shall be effective as any other provisions hereof. 本合同的附件应视为本合同的一部分,并与本合同的其他规定具有同样的效力。 “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind required in or for the execution and completion of the Works and remedying of any defects therein. 临时性工程是指在工程的施工、竣工,及修补工程中的缺陷时所需要的各种临时性工程。 C词项重复 当事人订立合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。 The parties shall, in concluding and entering into a contract, have appropriate capacity for civil right and civil conduct. III Syntax Characteristics and Translation 1 . E: 一个长句子 C: 几个小短句 经营者对消费者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,按照《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》的规定承担损害赔偿责任。 A business operator who practices fraud in providing commodities or services to consumers shall undertake to compensate for the damage in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer’s Rights and Intere


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