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where Q = airflow with due account taken of sign (± m3/s) and /Q/ = absolute value of airflow and is always positive (+m3 /s). This device ensures that the frictional pressure drop or loss of mechanical energy always have the same sign as airflow. LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis where Q = airflow with due account taken of sign (± m3/s) and /Q/ = absolute value of airflow and is always positive (+m3 /s). 式中,Q=风量,应该加上符号 (± m3/s); /Q/ =风量的绝对值,总为正。 This device ensures that the frictional pressure drop or loss of mechanical energy always have the same sign as airflow. 这种策略保证了摩擦阻力损失或者机械能损失和风量的符号总是相同。 LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis In the case of incompressible flow, the application of Kirchhoffs laws becomes more straightforward. Equations (4) and (9) give where R = Atkinson resistance 阿特金森阻力 (Kirchhoff I) and (Kirchhoff II) (13) 对于不可压缩流体的情况,基尔霍夫定律的应用变得更为简单了。由公式4和9得出: It will be recalled that the three terms of this latter equation should each be referred to the same (standard) value of air density, normally 1.2 kg/m3. LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis 后一公式的三个分项都涉及相同的(标准的)空气密度值,一般为1.2 kg/m3。 LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis Computer programs have been developed for compressible flow networks. These require input data (pressures, temperatures, elevations and air quality parameters) from which variations in air density and natural ventilation effects may be calculated. LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis On the other hand, where compressibility and natural ventilating effects need to be taken into account, there are means by which these can be simulated to an acceptable accuracy by an incompressible flow network program. For these reasons, the great majority of subsurface ventilation planning employ the simpler and faster incompressible flow programs. LESSON 6 Fundamentals of Ventilation Network Analysis The more sophisticated and demanding


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