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Your task Write a short composition with a general statement and its corresponding supporting details. Topics : The most helpful values learned from my parents * 说到成功,机遇或许会起到一定作用,但勤奋才是决定性因素。 When it comes to success, opportunity might play a certain role, but only diligence can serve as the decisive factor. 跨文化交际为人们带来了了解外国文化的机会,更重要的是提供了增进各民族间友谊的渠道。 Inter-cultural communication brings people chances to gain insights into other cultures —and, more importantly, a channel to enhance friendship between different nationalities. Check Yourself Put the sentences below into English, with words and expressions of this unit. 1.You can check in _________________ (提前两小时). 2. Because of the crude manner of his boss, _____________________ (他决定辞职). 3. In the end the masses ____________________ (将对这家银行失去信心) which will hamper its development. two hours in advance he decided to quit his job will lose faith in the bank 4. I was trying to _______________________ ___________ (为迟到这么长时间编个恰当 的理由). make up a good excuse for 5. My father __________________________ (越来越容易发火) as he gets older. gets increasingly short-tempered 6. In the third round _____________________ (他占了上风) over his opponent and knocked him out. he got the upper hand being so late 7. Everyone interviewed __________________ _____________ (都受到了不公正的对待). had been subject to unfair treatment 8. They ________________________________ (也许可以选择其他任何人做这个工作), but they picked me. might have chosen anyone for the job 9. I just ________________________ (什么都 不想做) tonight. don’t feel like doing anything 10. We ___________________________ (发现 他是一个有音乐天赋的人). found in him a man of music talent 电影大片 event?movie???? ? 好莱坞大片 Hollywood?blockbuster 宽银幕式 letter?boxing?? 文艺片 literary?film 宽银幕? panoramic?screen?(?wide-screen) 闹剧? farce 默片? silent?film 悲剧 tragedy 喜剧 comedy??????? 情景喜剧 situation?comedy/sitcom Words abo


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