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Unit 6 A篇 The Ugly Truth About Beauty -Like It or Not, Looks Do Matter By John Stossel We like to think of America as a meritocracy. A lot of us think we value people because of what they accomplish, or their character, or generosity, or intelligence-thats what we thought mattered, but are we just putting blinders on? 相貌歧视 - 不管喜欢不喜欢,相貌确实很重要 丁夏林 译 郭昌晖 校注 我们爱把美国看成一个精英荟萃的国家。我们许多人认为,自己之 所以看重别人是因为他们有成就,或人品好,或宽厚仁慈,或天资聪明 ——过去我们都认为这些是至关重要的, 但现在我们是不是都戴上障眼 物了呢? More often than not it seems qualities other than skill, intelligence or character pay off. Heres an example. Anna Kournikova is ranked 37th in womens tennis, and has never won a major singles championship. So, why is it that Kournikova makes millions more dollars from endorsements than players ranked higher? [2] Looks dont only make a difference for women. Does New York Giants cornerback Jason Sehorn get so much attention just because hes a top athlete? Is that why he was featured in Sports Illustrated for Women? [3] You probably know about the famous Kennedy-Nixon debates-people listening on the radio thought Richard Nixon had won. Those watching TV thought the handsome John F.Kennedy won. [4] When Texas Sen. Phil Gramm sought the Republican nomination for president in 1996, he said :“ The real question is whether someone as ugly as I am can be elected. ?Within months, Gramm dropped out of the race. [5] Did the press cover JFK Jr. so relentlessly solely because he was the son of a president? Would we have cared so much about Princess Di if she had looked like, say, Princess Margaret? 看来,给人们带来好处的往往不是技术、智力或人品,而是其他一 些特质。安娜·库尔尼科娃就是一个例子。她在女子网球的世界排名中 位列第 37 ,而且还从未获得过重要的单打冠军。那么,为什么库尔尼 科娃从广告中获得的收入要比排名靠前的球员多几百万美元呢? [2] 美貌不仅对妇女管用。 纽约巨人橄榄球队的角后卫贾森·泽霍 恩如此受人关注,难道仅仅因为他是一名顶级运动员吗?《妇女体育画 报》对他进行报道也只是因为上述那个原因吗? [3] 你也许了解肯尼迪和尼克松之间那场著名的电视辩论的情况 ——听收音机的人认为理查德·尼克松获得了胜利, 而看电视的人则认 为赢家是英俊潇洒的肯尼迪。 [4] 得克萨斯州参议员菲尔·格拉姆在 1996 年竞选共和党的总 统提名时曾说过:“真正的问题是像我这样相貌不佳的人能否被选 上。”几个月后,格拉姆就退出了竞选。 [5] 媒体连篇累牍地报道小肯尼迪的情况, 仅仅因为他是总统的儿 子吗?比如说,假如戴安娜王妃与玛格丽特公主一样相貌平平,我们还



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