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Vocabulary 选词填空 Unit 1 tradition shy period pushing adventures pause welcome stuck Unit 2 valuable investment population leaked familiar furniture merely enter Unit 3 announced organized pouring directly exchanging entire communicated boiling Unit 4 blow regular posted estimated repeated mailbox hurried unfold Translation 翻译 Unit 1 1.If the weather is fine tomorrow, he will take his girl friend to the beach. 2.When he was a young fellow ,he was very sensitive about what he said and did 3.He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays 4.As soon as he finished what he had to say, the guy next to him got all excited and laughed loudly 5.On that day, the boy was not willing to go to school, so his parents had to push him 1.不一会儿,大伙儿都围着我站了一圈,吵吵嚷嚷地对我说:”好的,范曼,说出来啊! 2.回到家里,我把这事告诉了妈妈。她给了我各种各样的指导,告诉我如何做这样那样的事。 3.她遵守这样一个传统:母亲教儿子如何善待下一代女性。 4.当时她还在楼上做准备,这是意料中的事(女孩子临行前总是那样),因此,她的家人让我在餐厅里等她。他们在餐厅里跟朋友一起吃馅饼。 5.我告诉她,在我年幼的时候,父母让我学了一段时间的钢琴,六个月后我还在弹“花之圆舞曲”,于是我忍无可忍了。 Unit2 1.The students were sitting around the classroom and discussing questions when their teacher came in 2.Last year I bought this house, but I have not paid off the money I owe on it 3.My friend nodded to me and thought over the questions I put forward 4.It is not difficult to understand that housing has become a popular subject of conversation these days 5.You have got used to these problems of your old house, just like your own shortcomings 1、一个星期六的晚上,我们和一些老朋友散座在我们相当破旧的起居室里,就在这时一个朋友开始努力回想我们已经在这住多久。 2、“这房子对谁来说不那么值钱了?”我大声地问他,音量超过来使他听清楚所必需的程度。 3、在靠近我妻子书桌的窗帘后面,有一块四英寸宽的墙没有涂最后四层涂料,以便保留那些小小的粉笔印记和对面的日期。 4、如果有什么东西出了问题,如果地毯破旧了,卫生间或浴室的水池漏水了,邻居不友好,你渐渐习惯于这些问题,并像对待自己的缺点一样,有办法听之任之。 5、我走进屋里,熟悉的家具在欢迎我,某种感觉温暖着我的心,带来这种感觉的东西或许仅仅是灰尘而已,但它是我家的灰尘,我喜欢它。 Unit 3 1.The students listened and took notes carefully as the teacher gave them a lecture. 2.We admire great people because what they did is worth admiring 3.Four students share a flat, where



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