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Unit5 section B Decisions of the Heart para13-17 paragraph13 So what should responsible persons do when confronted with the necessity of such an enormous decision? 那么,作为负责任的人,在需要做出这样大的决定时该怎么办呢? paragraph14 What it all comes down to is common sense. For the 30 years I have been a doctor, and for hundreds of years before that, doctors and families have been quietly cooperating to decide what is best for a patient in the final phase of an illness. paragraph15 In 95 percent of the cases a sympathetic, reasonable decision can be made after appropriate discussion. In 5 percent of cases where such a judgment cannot immediately be reached, the proper decision will become apparent after a few days or weeks of basic treatment, observing the patients progress. paragraph16 Let me sound one note of warning. Neither families nor doctors like to make life-death(人命关天 )decisions. But there is no question that if either party insists on bringing in a so-called neutral third party (usually some representative of the state or legal profession), not only will the process take longer, in many instances it will be more arbitrary and less sympathetic. paragraph17 What we are trying to avoid is neutrality; the only people with any qualification to decide are those who know the patient intimately and can put his or her interests first. If theres one place from which the interference of lawyers and government officials should be barred, its from the rooms of critically ill patients. * be confronted with 面对 What would you do if you had to be confronted with your biggest fear? 如果你要面对你最大的恐惧,你会怎么做? necessity n.1.[u]When sth is necessary.必要性;需要 2.[c]Sth that one needs to have in order to live.必需品 归根到底是个常识问题。在我行医的30年里,以及在这之前的数百年里,医生和病人家属一直合作默契,共同决定在疾病的最后阶段怎么做才对病人最好。 come down to 1.归结起来(为…) Their quarrel comes down to money. 他们的吵架说到底是为钱。 2.屈尊做某事 He had come down to begging when his father found him. 他父亲找到他时, 他已沦为



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