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诚 信 声 明 我声明,所呈交的毕业论文是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信。 毕业论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 对完善我国诉前财产保全制度的思考 [摘 要]诉前保全制度是广泛应用于各国司法实践的制度之一。我国当前所适用的诉前财产保全模式趋向于大陆法系的保全体制,在保全申请审查上较为严格,在实践中既有其凸显出的优势,又存在一定可以提升的空间。本文将分为四部分。首先,介绍诉前保全的内涵和意义。其次,分析主要国家的财产保全模式,并与我国的制度比较。再次,介绍我国诉前保全制度的优势与劣势。最后,提出自己对我国改进诉前保全制度的建议。通过这四部分,指明了我国诉前保全制度执行力强,审查条件严格的优点和被诉方地位被动、法条规定不具体等缺陷。并基于这些现状提出了完善司法解释、保护特定人群和提高被诉方地位的建议来促进保全制度的完善,以期对我国诉前保全制度的革新有所帮助。 [关键词]诉前财产保全;担保;轮候查封;案外人异议 Abstract:It is certainly that the core of civil law is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the civilian, and the first hurdle of it is the attachment of property before the institution of an action. Attachment of property before the institution of an action protects the prosecution expected interests and it also played an important role in the civil procedure. The current attachment of property model of China is similar with the mainland legal systems. It is strictly in reviewing preservation application. In practice, it has some advantages and also has some defect. This paper will be divided into four parts to tell my knowledge and reflection of the prior-litigation preservation. First, it introduces the prior-litigation preservation’s connotation and significance. Second, it analyzes other nation’s property preservation mode. Third, it shows the advantages and disadvantages of Chinas pretrial preservation system. Forth, it shows my proposal to China’s prior-litigation preservation. It is hoped that some constructive suggestions can be put forward for the prior-litigation preservation of our nation. Keywords:The prior-litigation preservation;Guarantee; Queuing seizure; Third Party dissent 目 录 1引言 1 2诉前财产保全的内涵和意义 2 2.1 概念 2 2.2 适用条件 2 2.2.1需要采取诉前财产保全的申请必须具有给付内容 2 2.2.2须具有采取财产保全的必要性 2 2.2.3由利害关系人提出诉前财产保全申请 3 2.2.4诉前财产保全申请人必须提供担保 3 2.3 诉前保全的措施 3 2.4 诉前保全的意义 4 2.4.1保障裁判的顺利执行 4 2.4.2有利于诉讼纠纷更快的解决 4 2.4.3有利于保护申请人的权益 4 3


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