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Lesson One English—A World Language vocabulary Line 1. Rude a :粗制的, 简陋的; 拙劣的being in a rough or unfinished state : crude a rude bench 做工粗糙的板凳rude fare 粗陋的食物a rude style [writer] 拙劣的风格[作家]rude classification [estimates] 大致的分类[估计]a rude drawing 草图a rude observer 观察(问题等)不精细的人 b :天然状态的natural, raw rude ore 原矿 c :原始(阶段)的; 未开化的primitive, undeveloped rude times 原始时代rude savages 未开化的野人 a rude path崎岖的道路rude truth 直言不讳的真话 a rude reply 无礼的回答say rude things 说粗鲁话a rude awakening 猛然的醒悟in rude health 健壮的身体 Line 1. Obscure: known only by a few people, relatively unknown: a : remote, secluded an obscure village b : not prominent or famous an obscure poet无名诗人 an obscure corner 昏暗的角落 an obscure view 朦胧的景色 an obscure sound 模糊的声音 an obscure passage 一段难懂的文章 be of obscure origin [birth] 出身微贱 obscure, vague, ambiguous 意思都含“不明确的”。 obscure 指“某事物的意思含糊不清, 或因知识缺乏而难解的”, 如: His reasons remain obscure. 他的理由不清楚。 vague 指“模糊的, 不明确的”, 如: a vague idea 一个含糊的想法。 ambiguous 指“有两种或两种以上的解释而意义不明确的”, 如: an ambiguous title 模棱两可的题目。 Line 2. at the onset of at the beginning of something (bad) People were dismayed at the onset of the SARS crisis. Line 4. encompass To circumscribe or go round so as to surround closely: a ring encompasses the finger; to encircle: an army encompasses a city. to enclose: a voyage encompassing the world. to dominate: She is encompassed with doubts and fear. Line 5: Can you tell the difference between “airliner”, “airlines” and “airline”? An airliner bearing the insignia of Air China is taking off now. The East Airlines has bought a dozen of Boeing 707 recently. There is not a direct airline between the Mainland and the Taiwan Island. Line 7: alert – to call the attention of It’s high time to launch a campaign to alert the public to the dangers of drug addiction. Line 11: entrepreneur – a person who sets up businesses businessman – a person who works in business merchant – a person who buys and sells goods in large quantities tradesman – a person whose jo


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