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上海市城乡居家养老服务研究 (硕士论文摘要) 面对老龄化、高龄化的严峻挑战,作为全国最早进入老龄化社会的上海市面临着严峻的养老服务问题。社区居家养老既能保持家庭养老的传统和优点,又能弥补家庭养老的不足,得到了中国老年人和家人对此服务模式的肯定。 上海从2000年试点实施居家养老服务至今,经过了十几年的发展,已经形成了一定的规模和效果,解决了老人和家属的许多养老问题,成为家庭养老的重要支撑。但在发展的过程中,一些问题瓶颈逐渐显现,制约了上海市居家养老服务的发展,如政策调整衔接存在弊端、居家养老服务资金投入不足、服务队伍不稳定,缺乏专业培训、居家养老服务评估机制还不完善、居家养老城乡差异较大等问题, 本文的创新之处在于针对上海市城乡不同区域的居家养老服务进行分析,找出存在问题的差异性,并根据不同的问题总结了上海市城乡居家养老服务发展的不同侧重点,在城市和农村具有一定的复制效应,为其他地区的居家养老服务发展提供决策参考。 [关键词] 上海市 城乡 居家养老服务 对比 Research and analysis between of urban and rural old-age home service in Shanghai City (ABSTRACT) Major: Public management Research area:Social work Author:Yuying Fan Advisor:Chengzhi Yi Shanghai is the earliest city to enter aging society in China, and now is under the challenge of aging population. Aged care has been a serious problem for Shanghai. Home-based society aged care carries advantage of traditional in home care, and also can make up the disadvantage of institution-base aged care. So the service mode has been accepted by both aging population and their family. The home-based aging care service was started in Shanghai in year 2000, and has been developed to a considerable scale. This service mode has been an important aid to in home aging care and solve different aging care problem for aging population and their family. But the further development of this mode is constrained by several issues like policy, funding, service training and service evaluation system. Meanwhile, the home-based aging care service also has significant difference in urban and suburban area. This paper compares urban and suburban home-based aging care service from different point view. Jing An district and Feng Xian distract are picked to represent current service status for urban and suburban area. A questionnaire survey is designed to interview the elder people in these two districts, and data was analyzed to understand current home-based aging care service operation status


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