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媒介研究常用术语解析 AcCont(000) 累积接触度(以千人为单位) Accumulated Contacts in 000s 指多个载体所到达的总人次,以千人次表示,也即多个载体的接触度之和。 The accumulated number of individuals reached by a plan of supports expressed in thousands. 公式 : AcCont(000) = 计划中每个载体的接触度 ( 以千人为单位 ) 之和 Formula: AcCont(000) = Sum of C ont(000) for each supports in a plan AcCost 累积成本 Accumulated Cost 计划中各载体广告段位的累积价格。 The total rate card cost for a plan of supports. 公式 : AcCost = 计划中每个载体的成本之和 Formula: AcCost = Sum of the c ost for each support in the plan AcCost/GRP 累积每收视点成本 ( 也称累积每毛评点成本 ) Accumulated Cost per rating point (also known as AcCost per GRP) 每个载体的广告成本除以累积毛评点数。 The sum of the costs of each support divided by the number of Accumulated GRPs. 公式 : AcCost/GRP = 累积成本 / 累积毛评点 Formula: AcCost/GRP =AcCost/ AcGRP AcCost/Cont 累积每千人成本 ( 以千人为单位) Accumulated Cost per thousand (also known as AcCost per thousand) 计划中各载体分别到达一千人次所需的累积成本,以元表示。 The accumulated cost of the plan of supports for every one thousand accumulated contacts, expressed in currency units. 公式 : AcCost/Cont = 累积成本 x 1000 / 累积接触度 (000) Formula: AcCost/Cont = AcCost x 1000 / AcCont (000) AcDuration 累积时长 Accumulated Duration 计划中各载体的累积持续时间或长度,以秒表示。 The accumulated duration or length of a plan of supports, expressed in seconds 公式 : AcDuration = 计划中每个载体的时长之和 Formula: AcDuration =Sum of the durations of each supports in a plan. AcGRP 累积收视率(以百分比为单位) ( 也称累积毛评点 ) Accumulated Ratings in % (also known as Accumulated Gross Rating Point) 累积接触度 ( 以千人为单位 ) 除以推及人口,以百分比表示。 The relation between the number of Accumulated Contacts in thousands divided by the Universe, expressed in percentage. 公式 : AcGRP = 累积接触度 (000)/ 总体推及人口 Formula: AcGRP = AcCont(000)/Universe Cov(000) 覆盖率 (以千人为单位) Accumulated Reach in 000s for a Series of Supports 指特定的媒介计划(广告投放计划)实施时所能达到的不重复的观众人数,以千人表示。 The total number of individuals, expressed in thousands, who have viewed at least once within a campaign or a plan of supports. Formula: Cov(000) = Sum of the co ntacts in 000s for sup


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