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duplicate * Duplicate * duplicate * Duplicate * * * Encoding as a Satisfiability Problem Let p(i,j,n) denote the proposition that is true when the number n is in the cell in the ith row and the jth column. There are 9?9 ? 9 = 729 such propositions. In the sample puzzle p(5,1,6) is true, but p(5,j,6) is false for j = 2,3,…9 Encoding (cont) For each cell with a given value, assert p(d,j,n), when the cell in row i and column j has the given value. Assert that every row contains every number. Assert that every column contains every number. Encoding (cont) Assert that each of the 3 x 3 blocks contain every number. Assert that no cell contains more than one number. Take the conjunction over all values of n, n’, i, and j, where each variable ranges from 1 to 9 and , of Solving Satisfiability Problems To solve a Sudoku puzzle, we need to find an assignment of truth values to the 729 variables of the form p(i,j,n) that makes the conjunction of the assertions true. Those variables that are assigned T yield a solution to the puzzle. A truth table can always be used to determine the satisfiability of a compound proposition. But this is too complex even for modern computers for large problems. There has been much work on developing efficient methods for solving satisfiability problems as many practical problems can be translated into satisfiability problems. Propositional Logic Not Enough If we have: “All men are mortal.” “Socrates is a man.” Does it follow that “Socrates is mortal?” Can’t be represented in propositional logic. Need a language that talks about objects, their properties, and their relations. Later we’ll see how to draw inferences. Introducing Predicate Logic Predicate logic uses the following new features: Variables: x, y, z Predicates: P(x), M(x) Quantifiers (to be covered in a few slides): Propositional functions are a generalization of propositions. They contain variables and a predicate, e.g., P(x) Variables can be replaced


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