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系统功能语言学(1) Formal and functional grammar There are many ways of describing the grammar of language. One approach sees grammar as a set of rules which specify all the possible grammatical structures of language. In this approach, a clear distinction is usually made between grammatical (sometimes called well-formed) sentences and ungrammatical sentences. The primary concern is with the forms of grammatical structures and their relationship to one another, rather than with their meanings or their uses in different contexts. Another approach sees language first and foremost as a system of communication and analyze grammar to discover how it is organized to allow speakers and writers to make and exchange meanings. The focus is usually on the appropriateness of a form for a particular communicative purpose in a particular context. A grammarian interested in this kind of description is likely to use data from authentic texts (both spoken and written language) in specific contexts. They are not mutually exclusive. Formal analyses must at some stage take account of meaning and function, and functional analyses must at some stage take account of form. 功能主义的共性特征: 功能主义派别繁多,但都表现出一些共同的特征。这些特征可以总结如下: 1.功能主义是自然主义,强调语言产生的自然性和有理据性。 2.功能主义通常从编码角度研究语言。 3.功能主义注重文化和情景语境和社会交际对语言的制约作用。 4.功能主义以功能来确定语言结构。 5.功能主义注重语言的运用和语言的变异特征。 系统功能语言学的背景 系统功能语言学的创始人是韩礼德(M.A.K. Halliday)。但韩礼德的理论也不是完全由他自己独创出来的,而是在继承和借鉴前人的成果的基础上,综合和发展了前人的理论,而发展起来的。 前人: 王力和罗常培:语言的语义基础 费斯、马林诺夫斯基:the London School语境和语义 叶姆斯列夫 glossematics:系统和结构 兰姆、帕克等stratificational grammar and tagmemics:功能和层次 韩礼德1985 年出版的《功能语法导论》标志着系统功能语法理论的成熟。1994年第二版标志着该理论的进一步完善,他与麦西逊合作修订的第三版于2004年出版,标志着系统功能语言学理论进入一个崭新的阶段。 References HALLIDAY, M.A.K. 1994 (2nd ed): An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold. LOCK, G. 1996: Functional English Grammar: An Introduction For Second Language Teachers. HALLIDAY, M.A.K. and R. Hasan, 1976: Cohesion in English. London: Longman. MARTIN, J.R. 1992: English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam Philade
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