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货币经济 5 本章我们将探索这些问题的答案: 哪些资产可以看作“货币”?货币有什么作用?有什么类型? 什么是美联储? 银行在货币制度中扮演什么样角色?银行如何“创造货币”? 美联储如何控制货币供给? 主动学习 1 银行与货币供给 主动学习 1 参考答案 主动学习 1 参考答案 内容提要 货币包括通货和其他各种类型的银行存款 美联储是美国的中央银行,负责管理美国的货币制度 美联储主要通过公开市场操作来控制货币供给:购买政府债券增加货币供给,出售政府债券减少货币供给 内容提要 在部分准备金银行制度下,银行发放贷款时创造货币。银行准备金对货币供给具有乘数效应 银行挤兑与货币供给 从1929年到1933年,银行挤兑和银行关闭风潮使货币供给减少了28% 许多经济学家认为这给大萧条雪上加霜 从那之后,联邦存款保险用来防止美国银行挤兑的发生 然而英国Northern Rock银行在2007年却经历了一场标准的银行挤兑,并最终被英国政府接管 0 * * This chapter is shorter and less difficult than average. Students find most of the material very straightforward. It contains one analytically challenging topic: the process of money creation in the banking system. A good idea might be to proceed somewhat quickly through most of the chapter, spending more time on money creation in the banking system, t-accounts, and the money multiplier. The fifth edition contains more discussion of the Federal Funds rate. I’ve added some slides near the end of this PowerPoint file on the Federal Funds rate: The first covers the material in the textbook. The second slide shows time-series data on the Fed Funds rate and other key rates, to establish the importance of the Fed Funds rate. The third slide uses a supply-demand diagram of the federal funds market to show how the Fed can raise the federal funds rate using open market operations. * As in previous chapters, “gs” = goods services. “Double coincidence of wants” simply means that two people have to want each other’s stuff. Students find the following example amusing: I’m an economics professor, but I’m a consumer, too. Suppose I want to go out for a beer. Under a barter system, I would have to search for a bartender that was willing to give me a beer in exchange for a lecture on economics. As you might imagine, I would have to spend a LOT of time searching. (On the plus side, this would prevent me from becoming an alcoholic.) But thanks to money, I can go directly to my favorite pub and get a cold beer; the bartender does