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包床法在糖尿病患者教育及效果评价中的应用研究 高岚 周文君* 高小华 【摘要】 目的 探索包床法在糖尿病患者教育及效果评价中的作用。方法 根据护士个人能力每人分管3-6张病床,负责分管床位患者及时跟进教育和教育后的效果评价,以实施包床教育前后6个月(2012年1月至6月和2012年7月至12月),长期使用的“住院患者糖尿病教育效果评价表”的测试评分, 按数字表法随机选取各201例进行比较;33次病区健康教育质量检查评分比较。分析包床法在糖尿病患者教育及效果评价中的作用。结果 包床教育前后住院患者糖尿病教育效果、病区健康教育质量检查评分比较均具有显著性差异(P0.01)。结论 包床法教育有利于提高住院患者糖尿病教育效果,促进病区健康教育质量持续改进,提高健康教育覆盖率,使全科护士的教育能力及沟通水平得到锻炼,密切护患关系,值得在住院糖尿病患者教育及效果评价中推广应用。 【关键词】 糖尿病;健康教育;包床法;质量持续改进 Study on the Effects of the Fixed Distributive Bed Management Method in the Education of Diabetic Patients and Result Evaluation. Gao Lan Zhou Wenjun*?Gao Xiaohua Department of Endocrinology, Yancheng Hospital Affiliated to Medical school of Southeast University, Yancheng 224001,china Corresponding author: Zhou Wenjun,Email: 【Abstract】Objective To investigate the effects of the fixed distributive bed management method in the education of diabetic patients and result evaluation. ?Methods According to the nurses’ ability, distribute 3 to 6 beds to them separately. Each nurse should follow up the process and the results of the education of diabetic patients, in order to conduct rating form of the “six months’ education of diabetic inpatients ’’ (From January to June in 2012 and July to December in 2012). According to the numeration table ?method, compare the respectively selected 201 patients and 33 infected patches and investigate the effects of the fixed distributive bed management method in the education of diabetic patients. ?Results There is a significant difference in the results of education quality of diabetic patients and the infected patches (P0.01). ???Conclusion Fixed distributive bed management method can enhance the effects of the education of diabetic patients and promote the education quality of the infected patch; besides, the fraction of coverage ?of healthy education is increased; the teaching and communicative skills of the nurses is highly promoted; the relationship between the nurses and patients is much closer. It


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