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文章编号:1008-181X(2000)03-0177-06 珠江三角洲工业区土壤(沉积物)重金属污染特征及防治对策 ——以石龙和容桂工业区为例 颜 文1,池继松2,古森昌1,汤贤赞1,陈 忠1, (1:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,广东 广州 510301;2:中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵州 贵阳 550002) 摘要:对珠三角两个代表性乡镇工业区的土壤(沉积物)重金属污染现状和来源进行了评价。结果表明,两工业区在主要污染元素类型和综合污染程度上很相似,表层土壤(沉积物)均以Hg、As、Cu的污染为主,且均以Hg的污染最严重;但在某些次要污染元素种类以及某些主要、次要污染元素的单个元素污染程度上存在一些差异。柱样沉积物中重金属的变化特征进一步说明,两工业区土壤(沉积物)中重金属的累积与我国尤其是本地区的工农业发展阶段和发展水平密切相关。文章最后提出了乡镇工业区土壤(沉积物)重金属污染的几点建设性防治对策。 关键词:乡镇工业;土壤;沉积物;重金属污染;珠江三角洲 中图分类号:X53 文献标识码:A Characteristics and Prevention Countermeasures of Heavy Metal Pollution of Soils (Sediments) in Industrial Areas of the Pearl River Delta ─Two Case Studies of Shilong and Ronggui Industrial Areas YAN Wen1, CHI Ji-song2 ,GU Sen-chang1, TANG Xian-zan1, CHEN Zhong1 ( 1: South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China; 2: Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China ) Abstract: Two typical township industrial areas (Shilong town, Dongguan city and Ronggui town, Shunde city) from the Pearl River Delta were chosen for this study. Analysis and evaluation of heavy metals in surface soils (sediments) and core sediments from above two areas were conducted. The results showed that the main pollution elements and comprehensive pollution degree are very much alike in both industrial areas, but there are some differences in types of secondary pollution elements and pollution degree of some single main and secondary pollution elements. The content variation of the heavy metals in core sediments from two areas further indicated that the gathering of heavy metals in soils and sediments is closely linked to the developing stages and levels of township industry in studied areas. Some constructive countermeasures to prevent and control the pollution of heavy metals in soils (sediments) of township industrial areas are presented. Key words: township industry; soils; sediments; heavy metal pollution; Pearl River Delta 近年来,土壤和沉积物的化学污染再度成为人们关注的热点。最为突出的



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