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摘要 毕业设计是根据恒盛湖畔豪庭商品住宅工程G1地下车库土建工程的招标文件的招标须知、合同条件、技术规范、图纸及其他有关文件而编制的投标书。 该工程总建筑面积 14000 m2结构类型为框架结构。该工程投标总价47元,其中措施费为3073011.11元,土建部分造价36元。 设计包括:商务标、技术标和结论,商务标部分包括编制的依据、范围、工程量清单计算过程及说明,工程造价的确定;技术标部分则包括:工程概况、施工组织设计及部署、施工前的准备、各项管理措施等,是从人、材、机方面来进行施工布置,从技术、施工、物资等方面采取措施来确保工程进度、工程质量与施工安全,并在此基础上降低成本。本G1#地下车库土建工程的地理位置、设计特点、质量、工期要求及工程重要性等方面都要求总包施工单位的现场管理必须规范化、标准化,确保安全生产、文明施工,以较好的场容场貌,优良的施工环境保障才能创造出精品工程。 关键词:商务标、技术标、工程量清单 Abstract Graduation design is based on G1Hengsheng Lake heights Residential Underground Garage Engineering Civil engineering tender notes tender documents, contract conditions, technical specifications, drawings and other relevant documents and the preparation of tenders. The project has a total construction area of M2structure type for the frame structure. The engineering bidding price of47 yuan, which measures the cost was 3073011.11 yuan, construction cost is36 yuan. The design includes: the business standard, technology standard and conclusion, business standard part including the preparation basis, scope, the detailed list of engineering quantity computation process and explanation, to determine the project cost; technical standard part includes: general situation of the project, construction organization design and deployment, the preparing works before construction, the management measures, is from the human, material, the machine to carry out the construction layout, from a technical, construction, materials and adopt measures to ensure the construction progress, project quality and construction safety, and reduce costs on this basis. The G1# underground garage project location, design, quality, construction requirements and engineering importance etc are required of the contractor construction site management must be standardized, standardization, ensure safe production, civilized construction, in order to better field allows an appearance, excellent construction environmenta


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