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内 容 摘 要 战略联盟作为一种有效的竞争合作方式,早己被世界各个国家和地区的企业所接受,随着信息化技术的进步和我国物流市场需求的急增,物流企业之间通过联盟的方式建立合作伙伴关系,共同承担物流业务成为目前绝大多数物流企业的发展战略,尤其是中小型的物流企业,纷纷组建各种物流联盟。在市场竞争中处于劣势的中小型物流企业,通过联盟的方式建立合作伙伴关系,共同承担物流业务成为目前绝大多数物流企业的发展战略。中小型企业过这种跨越组织界限的虚拟化的物流业务的联合,可以实现利益共享,共同承担联盟企业的经营风险。 本文介绍了中小物流企业目前的生存现状,分析了中小物流企业建立物流联盟的必要性,分析了中心物流企业联盟建立物流联盟的优势,研究了中小物流企业联盟的资源整合、物流服务整合、组织整合、运作整合,从以上四个方面分析了中小物流企业联盟的整合。同时,企业在选择适合自己的联盟模式时要注意,战略联盟是有风险的,要做好联盟风险的防范工作,确保联盟的成功运行。并对中小物流企业联盟整合的难点和存在的问题进行了论述。 ABSTRACT Strategic alliances, as a way of effective competition, have long been accepted by the enterprises of the various countries and regions. With the advances in information technology and the increasing of the needs of logistics market, the development strategy of Logistics enterprises, especially for small and medium-sized ones, is to construct partnerships through alliance and share logistics business. Small and medium sized logistics enterprises at a disadvantageous competition in the market, through the alliance to establish partnerships, shared most of the logistics business into the current logistics development strategy. Small and medium enterprises across organizational boundaries through this virtual joint logistics operations can be realized benefit-sharing, share the alliances operational risks. In this paper, current status of small and medium-sized logistics enterprises is firstly introduced and the need for establishing logistics alliance is analyzed. Then through resource integration, logistics service integration, organizational integration, culture integration and operational integration, the integration of small and medium-sized logistics enterprises is researched. Besides, Enterprises should not only concern the right choice suited to their mode, and has a clear understanding of the risk existing in strategic alliance. It is necessary to guard against risk to ensure alliance successfully running. And paper discusses the difficulties and problems in integration of small and m


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