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西汉河西走廊农牧业发展及其对生态环境的影响 王怡玲 (河西学院 历史文化与旅游学院,甘肃 张掖 734000) 摘要:本文通过对西汉河西走廊农牧业的大规模发展的论述,通过移民实边、设置郡县、屯田、兴修水利等措施,使河西农牧业得到发展。但是在发展的同时,由于不合理的开垦,造成了对生态环境的破坏。结合历史时期对河西开发的经验教训,浅谈当今河西开发过程中应注重发展过程中遵循自然规律,有效地保护生态环境。 关键词:西汉;河西走廊;农牧业;生态环境 The development of farming and animal husbandry of the Hexi Corridor in the west Han Dynasty and Its Impact on Ecological Environment Wang Yiling (School of historical culture and tourism, He Xi University Zhangye Gansu 734000) Abstract: The essay based on the simple elaboration ,the development of the Hexi Corridor in the west Han Dynasty, Through immigranting many people to the frontier, setting up prefectures and counties, military opening-up of wasteland, building irrigation projects etc, the government effected development of the economy of farming and animal husbandry of the Hexi Corridor. While developing, however, unreasonable cultivation resulted in destruction of the ecological environment, Combining with the lessons from experience of the historical exploitation, the laws of nature to focus on the development of the ecological environment should be followed in the process of the west development process, the effective protection of the ecological environment. Key words: West Han Dynasty;Hexi Corridor ;agriculture and animal husbandry;ecological environment 6


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