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前言中初次出现的英文简写ROIMCIVBM应有全称!! 表2中的数据,有的标准差还大于均数,是否应用参数检验?应请教统计学老师 表3、表4中缺少有意义的数据标注。 参考文献部分请完善文献的完整起始页码,如189-98应改为189-198。 请教个问题,在表4中,黄色标注部分是否缺失数据? 红色标注部分之前对应的部分,是什么内容,也有缺失? 文飞 2012-6-1 轻度认知损害阿尔茨海默病何毅( 王华丽(苏敏莹袁慧书 李涛(张美燕(于欣( 【摘要】 目的轻度认知损害(MCI)和阿尔茨海默病(’s disease,AD)脑记忆功能的关系。方法本研究共纳入56例轻度AD14例MCI16例对照,所有被试均进行了记忆患者基于体素的脑形态学(VBM)。结果在AD组中,瞬时物品回忆分数与颞叶、额叶及顶叶等广泛皮层区域存在关联。30分钟物品延迟回忆分数与双侧额上回、丘脑,右侧前扣带回、额内侧回、颞中回、中央旁回灰质显著相关(P0.001)。复合记忆分数与左侧海马旁回、颞中回、楔前叶、额上回、额中回、扣带回以及右侧海马旁回、额内侧回以及额下回的灰质密切相关(P0.001)。而在MCI与正常对照组中,。结论AD患者的记忆损害与密切相关。MCI的大脑体积与记忆能力间无显著相关,提示记忆损害尽管是MCI 的早期信号,但并不直接归因于脑萎缩,尚需进一步开展微观结构或功能连接的研究。 【关键词】 轻度认知损害阿尔茨海默病基于体素的形态学分析记忆功能 Relationship between brain gray matter volume and memory performance in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a voxel-based morphometric study. HE Yi, WANG Huali, SU Minying, YUAN Huishu, LI Tao, ZHANG Meiyan, YU Xin. Dementia Care Research Center, Peking University Institute of Mental Health, Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Beijing 100191, China Objective: To explore the relationship between the gray matter loss measured with voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and memory performance in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Methods: Eighty-six subjects were recruited, including 56 patients with mild AD, 14 subjects with MCI, and 16 healthy controls. All subjects were administered the comprehensive memory tests, All 3D T1 images were analyzed by the procedures of optimized VBM analysis. Results Compared to control group, memory performance were significantly worse in AD and MCI groups, in a pattern of ADMCIcontrol. Gray matter loss was detected extensively in temporal, frontal and parietal lobes in AD group. More severe atrophy in frontal and parietal lobes was involved in AD compared to MCI group. In AD group, the 3D statistical maps showed extensive cortical areas in temporal, frontal and parietal lobes were linked to immediate object memory performance. Score o


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