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先天易的数学基础初探 ?--试论先天卦序与二进位制 柯 资 能 230026)  摘要: 本文从自然数及其记数法的基本概念出发,辨析了与二进位制相关的几个容易混淆的概念,指出序数概念的引入在近代数学发展中有重要意义,作为邵雍数学学派的数学基础,先天易是数学史上第一个专门定义的序数体系,该序数体系在数学史上率先采用了二进位制记数法。先天易作为二进制序数体系这一事实在明清时期引起不同的反响,反对者认为它使易道沦落,大数学家汪莱则从P进制的角度论证它的优越性。本文最后还对近年来反对先天易与二进制有关的两种典型观点进行了剖析,指出其谬误所在。? ?? 关键词:先天易; 二进位制; 序数; 邵雍; 汪莱   ?A research on the mathematics foundation in the primordial Yi ——on the primordial hexagrams order and binary system ?KE Zi-neng ?(Department of Science-technology History Archaeology, Science-technology University of China, Hefei 230026, China) ?Abstract: Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals played an important role in the development of modern mathematics. As the foundation of SHAO Yongs mathematics, the primordial Yi, in the history of mathematics, exhibits the first specially defined ordinal system, in which the binary numbering method was used at the first time. Being a binary ordinal system, the? primordial Yi aroused different repercussions: opposers censured it debased Yi; While, departing from the angle of the P carrying system, WANG Lai, a great mathematician, proved its superiority. In addition, the paper also analyzed two typical viewpoints against the primordial Yi and binary system, to expose their fallacy. Key words: the primordial Yi; binary system; ordinals; SHAO Yong; WANG Lai   ?第一节? 先天易是二进位体系 ??? 一、二进位制的定义 ??? 易与二进位制问题的讨论,实际上是关于自然数记数法讨论。 二进位制是最简单、最基础的计数方式之一。生活中对二进制的掌握与运用,只须有一定的同异判别能力即可,对智力水平的要求比十进制低得多。不能因为电子产品广泛应用二进制逻辑最简单、最基本的特性而将它神秘化。 ??? 什么是二进位制呢?首先要搞清楚的是:什么是自然数? ??? 下面我们从自然数及自然数记数法的一般定义出发,进行说明。自然数两种基本定义:一称为基数定义,表示个数;一称为序数定义,表示顺序关系。 基数就是带单位的数量,是相对直观的概念,反映一种原始的抽象思维,记录实物对象的重复量,离不开实物对象,只需数个数的水平,如结绳计数,尚不需形成整体意识,对心智比较也不需有过多的要求,就像儿童都有过认得一些零散的数(个数),但分不清大小的经历一样,在人类掌握排序概念以前,基数概念是最原始的数的概念。基数定义的自然数没有排序功能,排序的概念则隶属于自然数的序数定义。这是自然数的两重天然属性。一般认为,在1


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