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3. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him. (Vanity Fair) 这小伙子的老实、脾气又好的脸蛋为他开辟了一条路。 改:这小伙子面相老实,性情随和,(因此)到处吃得开(有人缘)。(应转换非人称主语,引申词义) 4. Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town. 当一队又一队把热心的群众倾倒到镇上时,激动是很剧烈的。 改:一批又一批的热切群众涌入镇里,情绪非常激动。(应转换非人称主语,引申词义) 5. The colorful surroundings of the restored town inspired the photographers in the team as they lined up the ping-pong players in front of the cameras to shout encouragements of “Xiao! Xiao!” (“Smile! Smile!”) 这座复兴城镇的五彩缤纷的环境激励随队的摄影记者在他们把乒乓球选手们列队在照相机前的时候高声鼓励他们要“笑!笑!”。 改:这座色彩缤纷、古意盎然的城镇,触发了随队摄影记者的灵感。他们要乒乓球选手列队拍照,不时高声要他们“笑!笑!”(应拆译) * Cultural Competence A qualified translator should be not only bilingual, but also bicultural. It is always assumed that translators are at least bilingual, but this is really not enough. To be a fully competent translator, one also needs to be bicultural in order to “read between the lines”. A translator must be able to sense what is purposely left implicit in the source text and what can and should be made explicit in the translated text. Biculturalism is something that must be absorbed and experienced in a living situation. There are, however, some competent translators who have never had the privilege of living in the country in which the source or target language is spoken, and accordingly, they have had to depend upon voluminous reading (Nida 2001:99) Multi-dimensional comparative studies of Western and Chinese cultures are very important for a translator to develop his/her intercultural awareness of the different features between the two cultures. * Examples: 1. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 他忠实得斋日不吃荤,凡事都循规蹈矩。 2.Didn’t she swear she’d never again believe anything in trousers? (Betrayed Spring) 她不是发誓从此以后再也不相信男子了吗? 3. As the wisest of the Commissioners himself remarked, some part of what they were shown in Ceylon smacked a little bit of Potemkin. 正如调查团中最精明的一位团员所说的那样,他们在锡兰被邀请参观的


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