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C: 承诺语,表示说话人的承诺。 Promise Vow Pledge Covenant Guarantee Contract Commit Ensure Agree acknowledge D: 阐述语,阐明观点,论据。 Affirm Deny Emphasize Illustrate Concede Identify Accept Object to Report answer 新公司应建立经营管理机构负责企业的日常经营管理工作。 The new company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. 公司承认并同意在合同期内由乙方提供的技术系属秘密。 The corporation acknowledges and agrees that the Technology it receives from Party B during the term of the Contract shall be kept secret and confidential. 2) 条件句 法律文件要求思维缜密,逻辑性强,既要考虑到各种不同情况,又要排除各种例外情况。因此,法律条文除了规定双方应履行的义务外,还设想了各种可能发生的情况和处理办法,所以,法律条款中有较多的条件句。 If, Whereas, unless, subject to, in case of, in case, in case that, in the event of, in event that, provided/ providing, except 2) 条件句 A. whereas: 鉴于句。即鉴于存在某种情况,故主句应采取某种措施,以期达到一定的目的; B. unless: 否定句。表示“除非”出现某种情况,否则其条件将不可能满足,因此,它的主句部分通常为否定形式。 C. subject to 后引出的宾语为满足某项要求的必要条件。 E. in case of, in case, in case that: 要求采取某种预防措施,以防止某种情况发生。 2) 条件句 F. in the event of, in event that: 强调事情发生的事实 G. provided/ providing: “在……前提下”,“在……条件下” H. except: “排除某种情况” 2) 条件句 如果乙方有违反本合同的行为… If Party B shall commit any material breach of this Contract… 如果这些机构的中央主管机关可以采取步骤… Provided that the central administration of such agency may take steps… 2) 条件句 倘若甲方需修改、增加或减少其工程计划…… If the event Party A shall have amended, increased or decreased its project of construction work… 3) 词类的转换 英语的名词化结构转换为动词 英语中多用的形容词转换为副词 中文译成英语通常反过来做 3) 词类的转换 Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude further exercise thereof or exercise of any other right, power or privilege. 除非本协议另有规定,任何一方未能或延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利,权力或特权,不应视为其放弃该权利,权力或特权;单项或部分行使任何权利,权力或特权,亦不妨碍其进一步行使该权利,权力或行使其他权利,权力或特权。(n 到v) 3) 词类的转换 Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right, power



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