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EX2. If, whether during the execution of the works or after their completion and whether before or after the repudiation [r?,pju?d?e??n] or other termination of the contract between the Employer and the Contractor arises any dispute in connetion with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the works, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Engineer, the matter shall, in the first place, be referred to the Disputes Review Board. 无论是在工程执行过程中,还是在工程完成以后, 也无论是在放弃合同或其他终止合同之前或者之后,如果业主与承包商之间出现任何与合同或工程执行有关的或因合同或工程执行而引发的争端,包括任何一方对工程师的任何行动、不行动、意见、指示、决定、证书或评价所产生的异议,那么该争端应首先提交争端审核委员会(简单解释为在工地解决争议的委员会)。 5). 时态简单、修辞单调、大量使用逻辑连词 商务英语最常用的时态是一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时,有时会用到现在进行时、现在完成时和过去完成时;商务英语要求正式严谨,比较重视事实根据和逻辑顺序,所以很少使用修辞手段,但大量使用逻辑连词,如meanwhile, further, furthermore, likewise, although, instead, but, nevertheless, though, however, in consequence, owing to, due to, caused by, assuming, supposing, provided, providing, if only 等。 4. Criteria for Business English Translation 刘法公: 忠实(faithfulness)、 准确(exactness)、 统一(consistency) Consistency: Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. Exchange is only one of many ways people can obtain a desired object. Exchange is the core concept of marketing. For an exchange to take place, several conditions must be satisfied. Of course, at least two parties must participate, and each must have something of value to the other. Ecah party also must want to deal with the other party and each must be free to accept or reject the others offer. Finally, each party must be able to communicate and deliver. 译:当人们开始通过交换来满足欲望和需求的时候就出现了营销。所谓交换就是指从他人那里取得想要的物品,并以某种物品作为回报的行为。获得想要物品的方式有多种,交换只是其中之一。 交换是营销的核心概念。为使交换发生,必须满足几个条件:第一,必须存在交换双方;第二,双方都拥有对方所需的物品或价值;第三,双方都想要与对方交换;第四,双方都能自主地接受或拒绝对方的提供;第五,双方都有能力进行沟通和交流。 * 5. 商务篇



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