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Chapter 6 Technology, Equipment and Engineering Program Technology Selection 技术方案选择 Refers to production approaches and technology process procedures, etc Production Approach 生产方法选择 Advancement and development trend of domestic and international production approaches Suitability for the specific raw material Availability of the technology to be applied Meet the requirement of clean production and resource saving Technology Process Procedure Selection 工艺流程方案选择 Security to the product quality Process connections in the technology flow Reasonable consumption quota to increase the yield Major technological parameters, such as pressure, temperature, vacuum, speed, and purity Reasonable process sequence to both the stability of major process and flexibility of product choice on market requirement Technology Comparison 技术方案比选 Advancement 技术的先进程度 Reliability 技术的可靠程度 Security of product quality and characteristics 技术对产品质量性能的保证程度 Suitability to the specified raw materials 技术对原材料的适应性 Process reasonability 工艺流程的合理性 Automation standard 自动化控制水平 Availability of the technology 技术获得的难易程度 Impact on the environment 对环境的影响程度 Economic indicators 技术经济指标 Major Equipment Selection 主要设备方案选择 Chose the equipment based on the determination of technology, by studying the specification, model, quantity, origin, and price Scope of major equipment selection Methods of Major Equipment Selection 设备方案比选方法 1. 设备综合效率分析法 权重评分法 2. 追加投资回收期法 例:某项目有两种可供选择的设备方案,其中:A设备初始投资为8000元,年使用费用为2400元;B设备初始投资为11000元,每年使用费为1900元,基准投资回收期为10年,试确定最优设备方案 3. 最小费用法 年费用法(AC) 年费用=设备初始投资额×资金回收系数+年维持费用 总费用法(PC) 总费用=设备初始投资额+年维持费用×折现系数 Major equipment statement 主要设备表 Engineering


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