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快速理解技巧 主讲:张亚蜀 快速理解技巧 理解的定义 阅读理解的理论基础 猜词法 逻辑推理法 抓住关键词句 句子与句子之间的逻辑关系 段落的理解方法 理解的定义 科学家巴甫洛夫说:“利用知识,利用获得的联系,就是理解。”把巴甫洛夫这句话解释一下所谓“理解”就是利用已有的知识经验,去获得新的知识经验。并把新的知识经验纳入已有的知识经验系统中。理解可分为直接理解和间接理解。直接理解就是在瞬息之间立刻实现的,不需要任何思维过程,与知觉过程融合在一起。在这种情况下,主要运用就是知识,通过瞬间忆起以前所得的知识,选取立刻所需要的知识,并将它与新的印象联系起来。 Comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by taking the relevant ideas from the text and relating them to ideas you already have : this is the process of the reader interacting with the text. No matter how long or short the text passage , the process occurs in the same manner. By identifying the relationships and ideas the author presents, you develop understanding of what you are reading . You relate the new ideas to ideas already stored in your memory. The reader is usually presented with more material to read than a single sentence. As the reader proceeds through the text , additional information is gained; this information activates other ideas from reader’s memory and helps the reader construct further meaning. An example will help to illustrate how this process works. Read the following two sentences: I ran quickly through the tunnel trying to escape my captors. As I rounded a turn, the ground seemed to disappear beneath me. . I ran quickly through the tunnel trying to escape my captors. As I rounded a turn, the ground seemed to disappear beneath me. I seemed to fall for hours. Just as I saw the ground approaching, a voice called, “ Wake up! It’s time for breakfast.” After reading the complete paragraph , your understanding of what is happening has changed because new information received from the author caused you to construct a different meaning. This is what happens as one reads and comprehends. As the reader gathers additional information from the text, he or she relates that information to the information stored in his or her memory and in this way constructs meaning. After reading the paragraph above, you picture someone who is having a dream. Your understandin


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