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Unit 5 Wastewater Collection and Sewerage System Design Important Words and Expressions prerequisite [pri:rekw?zit] n. 先决条件, 前提 adj.作为前提的, 必备的 infiltration [infiltrei?n] n. 渗透; 浸润物; 渗透物; 渗透活动 institutional [institju:??nl] adj. 公共团体的,机构的, 学会的 GLUMRB 全称为 GREAT LAKES - UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOARD 密西西比河上游保护委员会 manufacturing [m?njuf?kt??ri?] n. 制造; 产品; 制造业v. 制造, 加工; 粗制滥造; 捏 造; 制造 per capita 每人 demographic [dem?ɡr?fik] adj. 人口统计学的 wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) 污水处理厂 depletion [dipli:?n] n. 消耗; 用尽 advocacy [?dv?k?si] n. 拥护; 提倡; 鼓吹 interdependency [int?dipend?nsi] n. 互相依赖 aesthetics [i:sθetiks] n. 美学, 审美学 impervious [imp?:vi?s] adj. 不能渗透的, 不为所动的 exfiltration [eksfiltrei??n] n. 漏出,渗漏,俚逃出敌军阵地 watertight [w?:t?tait] adj. 不漏水的, 无懈可击的 nitrification [naitr?fikei??n] n. 氮化合, 氮饱和, 硝化作用 denitrification [di:naitrifikei?n] n. 脱氮作用, 反硝化作用 adverse [?dv?:s] adj. 不利的, 逆向的, 有害的 faecal [fi:kl] adj. 排泄物的, 渣滓的=fecal conjunction [k?nd???k?n] n. 结合, 关联,连词, (事件等的)同时发生 Text Wastewater may be classified into the following components: ? Domestic or sanitary wastewater. Wastewater discharged from residences, commercial (e.g., banks, restaurants, retail stores), and institutional facilities (e.g., schools and hospitals). ? Industrial wastewater. Wastewater discharged from industries (e.g., manufacturing and chemical processes). ? Infiltration and inflow. Water that enters the sewer system from groundwater infiltration,storm water that enters from roof drains, foundation drains, and submerged manholes. ? Storm water. Runoff from rainfall and snow melt. Water consumption and wastewater production change with the seasons, the days of the week, and the hours of the day. Fluctuations are greater in small communities than in large communities, and during short rather than long periods of time.[1] Industrial wastewaters can pose serious hazards to municipal systems because the collection and treatment systems hav


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