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收入转移与贸易条件变动 收入跨国转移的途径: 援助。 战争赔偿。 劳务收入和民间捐赠等 。 收入带来对贸易条件的影响取决于一国对出口产品边际产出倾向(出口商品增量?收入增量)。 俄林认为,两国出口商品边际支出倾向相同,收入转移对贸易条件没有影响。 凯恩斯认为:本国的对出口商品的边际支出倾向高于外国,则收入转移会导致贸易条件恶化。 国际援助:利人还是利己? 现实生活中,一国通常的情况是,出口边际支出倾向相对较低(考虑存在非贸易品等情况),即内需的比例远远高于外需。 出现上述情况时,对外援助可能大幅度改善转出国的贸易条件,而接受援助的贸易条件下降,导致国民福利下降。因此,提供援助比接受援助更有利。 贸易政策对贸易条件的影响 一国的贸易政策可能对贸易条件产生重要的影响。以下列举两种简单的情况。 假定外国的出口供给缺乏弹性,进口关税会改善本国的贸易条件(最优关税理论)。 假定其他方面的条件不变,出口补贴通常会使本国贸易条件出现实质性下降。 本讲主要术语 贸易条件 贸易条件指数 商品贸易条件指数 要素贸易条件指数 提供曲线 均衡贸易条件 贸易条件效应 贫困化增长 主要内容总结: 贸易条件的决定与计量方式。 贸易条件变动的影响因素与经济效应。 展望: 现实生活中各国政府如何选择国际贸易政策? 课后阅读与思考 中国贸易条件近年持续出现下降趋势,对此如何看待和评价? * If biased growth occurs in the cloth industry, suppliers are more able and willing to sell cloth relative to food, so that the relative supply curve shifts right to represent an increase in the supply of cloth relative to the supply of food. In the new trade equilibrium, the relative quantity of cloth bought and sold increases and the price of cloth relative to the price of food decreases from (PC/PF)1 to (PC/PF)2. If the domestic country exports cloth and imports food, the price of exports relative to the price of imports for the domestic country decreases. In other words, the terms of trade for the domestic country decreases. * If biased growth occurs in the food industry, suppliers are more able and willing to sell food relative to cloth, so that the relative supply curve shifts left to represent a decrease in the supply of cloth relative to the supply of food. In the new trade equilibrium, the relative quantity of food bought and sold increases (and the relative quantity of cloth bought and sold decreases) and the price of cloth relative to the price of food increases from (PC/PF)1 to (PC/PF)2. If the domestic country exports cloth and imports food, the price of exports relative to the price of imports for the domestic country increases. In other words, the terms of trade for the domestic country increases. 本讲主要内容 贸易条件的测度 贸易条件的决定 贸易条件的变动 贸易条件的含义 贸易条件是指


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