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山东省济南外国语学校2011-2012学年高二英语下学期期中考试试题(FCE考试) (做题时间: 60分钟 满分:45分) 答题说明:试卷1(阅读)分为三部分,共30个小题,全部都是选择题,需要填涂答题卡。 选项为E的,涂AB;选项为F涂AC;选项为G涂AD;选项为H涂BC。 Part 1 You are going to read an article by the author of a best-selling novel. For questions 1-8, choose the answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text.(每个小题2分,共16分) Great White Lies “Jaws” cast the great white shark as public enemy number one, but more than 25 years later its author, Pefer Benchley, admits it was safe to go into the water after all. Why did André touch the shark? A He wanted to look inside its mouth. B He was trying to protect it from the motor. C He was feeding it. D He didn’t mean to touch it. Part 2 You are going to read a book review. Seven sentences have been removed from the review. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (每个小题2分,共14分) Pea-Brained Geneticist Anthony Daniels praises a life of the monk who laid the foundations of modern genetics. Part 3 You are going to read some book reviews. For questions 16-30, choose from the list of reviews (A -G). The reviews may be chosen more than once. When more than one answer is requited, these may be given in any order. (每个小题1分,共15分) Who is your most readable author? Our younger readers choose their favourites. Paper 2: Writing (做题时间: 1小时20分钟 满分:40分) 答题说明:试卷2(写作)分为两部分,考生须完成两篇作文。Part 1是必做作文。Part 2中,考生须在2-5选题中挑选一个,按其要求写作文(注意:选题5中又有2个选项)。每篇作文满分为20分。 Part 2作文卷面书写空间不足时,可添加作文纸。 Part 1 You must answer this question. You have decided to take part in a summer student exchange programme with student from Britain. You are going to spend a month with a British family and have received the follow email from your host. Read the email and the notes you have made. Then, using the information write an email to your host, giving him all the details asked for. Write an email of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style. Do not write any addr


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