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本科毕业设计(论文) 基于超声波测距的导盲仪设计 2014年 6 月 本科毕业设计(论文) 基于超声波测距的导盲仪设计 学 院: 专 业: 学生 姓名: 指导 教师: 答辩 日期: 摘要 盲人由于先天或后天的生理缺陷丧失了视觉功能,因而在日常生活和安全行走方面受到了很大的制约。所以,为了协助盲人安全行进,提高他们的生活能力与人身安全,世界各国一直在进行着电子导盲系统的研制。在此背景下,本文设计了一种基于超声波测距的导盲系统。大体上可分为两部分进行设计:测距系统与电源管理系统。 测距系统通过超声波的发送和接收来检测盲人周围各个方向上一段距离内的障碍物信息,并将其转化为声音信号,使盲人从中获知其周围的情况。本文是在基于STC89C52单片机控制的超声波测距原理的基础上,来确定目标范围内障碍物的存在,同时利用US-100超声波模块自带的温度补偿功能来提高系统的精确度。本设计采用的是US-100的串口触发模式,在软件设计中主要包括:串行口初始化函数、超声波发射函数、写字符函数、数码管扫描函数、数码管显示函数。 电子导盲仪作为一种便携式电子设备,电源的地位在其研究中占有十分重要的位置。电源管理系统会对电源电压进行实时监控,为系统提供稳定的电源以及根据电量的状态作出相应的反应,这是导盲仪整个系统稳定可靠的重要一环。 关键词 单片机;超声波;US-100;温度补偿; 电源管理系统; Abstract Due to congenital or acquired physical defects, the blind lose their ability of visual ability, and their life in daily and the safety of travel is restricted seriously. So, in order to help the blind walk safely, improve their quality of life and safety , the whole world has been committed to the research of the electronic guide system. In this background, this paper designs a guide system based on the ultrasonic ranging . This system can be divided into two parts: the distance measurement system and the power management system. Distance measurement system detects information all directions of an obstruction within a distance around the blind by sending and receiving of ultrasonic , and converts it into sound signal, makes the blind man to learn from its surroundings. This article is on the basis of principle of ultrasonic distance measurement based on single chip microcomputer(STC89C52) control, to determine the presence of obstacles in the scope of the targets , at the same t- ime use US - 100 ultrasonic module with temperature compensation function to improve the accuracy of the system. This design uses the mode of triggering by the serial po



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