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Colonial America (17世纪初) 1. John Smith: A Description of New England 2. William Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation 3. John Winthrop: A Model of Christian Charity 4. Anne Bradstreet安妮·布莱德斯特 第一部作品《在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯》“The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America” Contemplations沉思 Tenth Muse To My Dear and Loving Husband The Flesh and the Spirit 5. Edward Taylor爱德华·泰勒(the first and last, a puritan poet,concerned about his images speak for god) Huswifery Upon a Spider Catching a Fly 6. Roger Williams: The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience 7. John Woolman: Journal 8. Thomas Paine托马斯·佩因(对美国革命有主要影响) Common Sense常识 The American Crisis美国危机 The Rights of Man The Age of Reason 9. Philip Freneau菲利浦·弗瑞诺neoclassical by training and taste yet romantic in essential spirit The Wild Honey Suckle The Indian Burying Ground The Rising Glory of America 10. Charles Brockden Brown:心理学小说作品 第一部小说:《威兰》(Wieland)主要的四部小说:《埃德加 亨特利》(Edgar Huntly) 《奥蒙德》(Ormond)《阿瑟 默文》(Arthur Mervyn)American Puritanism 清教徒采用的文学体裁:a、narratives 日记 b、journals 游记 Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing.symbol of the age of Enlightenment, the close of colonial) The Autobiography自传 ——美国最早的传记文学作品 Poor Richard’s Almanac穷人查理德的年鉴Magazine is important to expand literary 受到的双重影响:New World environment and an array of ideas inherited from the romantics traditions of Europe. 共同点:moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception Washington Irving(the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame ;the first great prose stylist of American romanticism;the father of American literature;反映美国文学从18世纪的理性文学到19世纪的浪漫文学;the American goldsmith) 作品features: avoid moralizing; amuse and entertain,departs Puritan forebear; envelop story in an atmosphere 写作风格或人物:1.vivid and true; 2.humorous; 3.finished and musical language 第一部作品 纽约外史A History


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