21世纪学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4.ppt

21世纪学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4.ppt

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Content company *welfare /?welfE?/ n. squander /?skw?nd?(r)/ v. the health, happiness and fortunes of a person or group 福利,幸福,康乐 a fathers contribution to his family welfare As women’s prestige and prosperity entirely depend on their husband’s, most of their typically religious activities have been centered on their husband’s welfare. to waste 浪费 He doesnt want to squander hard-earned money on flowers. It does not make sense to squander important resources that the nation can ill afford to lose. text text 遗淮暴左象斧挺演捌崭碍院姚磕弗迫畸阻血雷慰珐烽氨唁讶款铃隆近粟替21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit421世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4 *facility /f??sIl?tI/ n. appeal to a piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose 设施 There are whole areas in that country where basic facilities such as water, for example, are in very poor supply or simply don’t exist at all. to try to persuade someone to do sth. by calling on a particular principle 呼吁,吁请 In a closed session, Mr. Modrow appealed to the delegates not to allow the party to disintegrate. The woman appealed to the government for assistance in resisting forced marriage. text text 检殃常绪琢勉诛唱驳判府彼鸥巾嗡迎仁闻盏畴遇立煎陷斩酝泊谋文猴塔兑21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit421世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4 enthusiastically /In?Pju?zI?QstIk?lI/ ad. overflowing /?uv??fl?ui? / *brute /bru?t/ n. in a manner showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest 满腔热情地 Enthusiastically he told me that hed always wanted to visit Morocco and even live there. so fully that no more can be contained 满到溢出的地步 They filled the small living room to overflowing. The hotel was full to overflowing. savagely violent man or animal 野兽,残忍的人 text text text 旅承册讹电染蹋惦骡釉湃睬召稍止初西批苫欠钵骄浅骆固尽蹿爪会扑糙因21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit421世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4 *dim /dIm/ a. not bright 昏暗的 a dim light All round the house lay the silent pine trees, dim in the starlight. text 抒齐帽恫崔猛崇墟吊夹萤袭瘴竖汰肥吠属舌骇急铀葱籽宇集济终郧隐某谬21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit421世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit4 *slip


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