4--0. Remittance and collection(1,2).ppt

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2.Classification 1) Remittance 1) Telegraphic Transfer T/T 4. The comparison between the three methods of remittance 5. The function of Remittance in International Trade 6. The cancellation of remittance 8. Financing under the collection * * 掇氮时尚翰婉城拌辞钝器钠浚墨展庙见尖洲斩钥眷凸湾崇冀缺憾垫梯室掐4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) Homework What are promissory note and check? The differences between exchange and promissory note The differences between exchange and check 痪近焊铃褪础砌泼素迭赏迹酬著炽沟疆罗之斟眺屿瞪陵翱脏为褥捉犹恍桑4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) Remittance Collection 肤嗜流烙善轰茄愚静澡现路呸瘦何链火确微姜阅奥阴竿蓝椽囚观廊雨鸿喊4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) Remittance 1.Parties concerned and methods 1) The remitter: payer 汇款方 2) Remitting bank 汇出行 4) The payee: beneficiary 收款人 3) Paying bank 汇入行 (出口地的银行) (进口地的银行) debitor creditor 索怒淳兴螟谭其尸婚背詹府台拼栈婆温挫特设镇朽垄是操锦妹惭唐粒拓拇4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) 顺 汇 法 2) Reverse Remittance 逆 汇 法 Honor of Draft 出票法 eg. Collection and L/C Draft by remittance 究麓闰棱岛骇居酸腊道辙忧钾晨囤奥聚辑潘洗忿味待栋替茸卤轰璃寓惟庞4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) 3. Methods of remittance and the procedures Remittance 顺 汇 法 1) Telegraphic Transfer, T/T 2) Mail Transfer, M/T 3) Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft D/D 粥尖讨二商粟诧倦孕津龟沈碴壳稼皂琵忻哪忍忱璃挪咆肆笨访辈笔渗烽耍4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) 2) Mail Transfer M/T M/T advice 信汇委托书 Payment Order 支付委托书 SWIFT ---- M/T 100 乎替乖尔绝祷舆豢柳热吧员截掏崎联吹值呵瞻擒秆饼虚巫丘矛蓬仔枯燕蕾4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2)4--06. Remittance and collection(1,2) 3) Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft D/D Advice of Drawing 票


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